Committee details

Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Purpose of committee

This Overview and Scrutiny Panel has 10 members.  The Panel works closely with the following Portfolio Holders:-



Environment and Regulatory Affairs (Portfolio Holder – Cllr Alison Hoare)


- Refuse Collection and Recycling

- Street Cleaning

- Environmental Health Services

- Coastal Protection and Drainage

- Open Spaces

- Abandoned Vehicles

- Grounds Maintenance Services

- Sustainability

- Public Toilets

- Cemeteries



Planning and Infrastructure (Portfolio Holder – Cllr Edward Heron)


- Local Plan

- Development Management

- Building Control

- Listed Buildings and Conservation

- Car Parking and Traffic Management

- Open Space Infrastructure



The Panel undertakes reviews of the Council's policies, advises on policy development, and reviews executive decisions.


Contact information

Support officer: Tel: 023 8028 5071. E-mail: