Browse meetings

Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel

This page lists the meetings for Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


Information about Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel

This Overview and Scrutiny Panel has 10 members.  The Panel works closely with the following Portfolio Holders:-



Environment and Regulatory Affairs (Portfolio Holder – Cllr Alison Hoare)


- Refuse Collection and Recycling

- Street Cleaning

- Environmental Health Services

- Coastal Protection and Drainage

- Open Spaces

- Abandoned Vehicles

- Grounds Maintenance Services

- Sustainability

- Public Toilets

- Cemeteries



Planning and Infrastructure (Portfolio Holder – Cllr Edward Heron)


- Local Plan

- Development Management

- Building Control

- Listed Buildings and Conservation

- Car Parking and Traffic Management

- Open Space Infrastructure



The Panel undertakes reviews of the Council's policies, advises on policy development, and reviews executive decisions.