Committee details

General Purposes and Licensing Committee

Purpose of committee

The General Purposes and Licensing Committee is a regulatory committee.  The Committee determines all matters and duties on the authority imposed by legislation, regulations, orders, codes, and similar provisions for:


·       All activities under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005

·       Reviews the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy

·       Health, safety and welfare in connection with work

·       Advises the Council on all matters relating to electoral registration and elections

·       Advises the Council on Standing Orders and the Constitution

·       Varies the maximum hackney carriage fares in the District


The Committee appoints Sub-Committees which hold Hearings and makes decisions about taxi/liquor licensing applications where objections have been received or where an application has been refused by an officer.



Contact information

Support officer: Tel: 023 8028 5982. Email: