Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Jan Debnam  E-mail:

No. Item



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Rippon-Swaine.




Mr D Read


All those present held a minute’s silent reflection as a mark of respect for Mr David Read, one of the Council’s employees who had recently died.





To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2016 as a correct record.






That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2016 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.




Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




There were no declarations of interest made by any member in connection with an agenda item.




Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




No issues were raised in the public participation period.




Portfolio Holders' Reports

To receive an oral update from the Portfolio Holders for the Environment and for Planning and Transportation.




Cllr Beeton, the Environment Portfolio Holder, was pleased to report that work to replace the beach huts at Milford on sea was progressing and it was hoped that work would commence on site prior to the next meeting of the Panel.


Cllr Beeton also referred to the success of the Clean for the Queen initiative, promoted by the Tidy Britain Group, which had been launched in the District over the weekend before.  She thanked all those who had already taken part in community clean-ups, which had been supported by a wide range of people.  So far over 700 bags of rubbish had been collected across the District and more events were scheduled to be held over the coming months.  She hoped that this event would help to reinforce the message that littering was not acceptable.


Other members spoke of the success of events held in Fawley, Milford, Hythe and New Milton. The planned event in Ringwood, to be held in early June, already had over 60 volunteers signed up and assigned to the various public open spaces in the town.  The involvement of local communities was very welcome.


It was agreed that there would be a follow up meeting to look at possibilities for extending the event next year.




Planning Policy Update

To receive an oral update on progress.




The Executive Head of Economy, Housing and Planning advised the Panel that the proposed consultation draft on the Local Plan review would be considered by the Cabinet on 6 July 2016, with the information contained in the draft becoming public knowledge just over a week beforehand.  It was therefore intended to hold 3 sector based meetings in order to brief all Members of the Council on the published proposals.  The majority of the proposals had been covered in the briefings for members that had been held recently.  There may however be some changes in the light of the study currently being undertaken of the Green Belt in the District, which covered the southern part of the Avon Valley and the Coastal Towns.  The Green Belt study was examining the manner in which land in the current Green Belt fulfilled the Green Belt objectives set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.


Once published the draft proposals would be subject to public consultation.  All representations received would then be analysed and, in due course, considered by Members.




Air Quality

To receive a briefing that covers the following:


·        Local Air Quality Management – Statutory responsibilities, air quality objectives etc .

·        Where the New Forest is in terms on the National Air Quality objectives

·        What actions are being taken in the New Forest to improve air quality

·        The proposed revocation of the Totton Air Quality Management Area

·        Future air quality developments both nationally and locally




The Panel received a presentation from the Environmental Health officer who specialised in air quality management.


The presentation covered:

·        Local Air Quality Management – Statutory responsibilities and air quality objectives;

·        Where the New Forest was in terms on the National Air Quality objectives;

·        What actions were being taken in the New Forest to improve air quality;

·        The proposed revocation of the Totton Air Quality Management Area; and

·        Future air quality developments both nationally and locally


Members referred to the excellent work of the New Forest Environmental Protection Liaison Committee which provided a useful link between the waterside industries and local communities, allowing a greater understanding of the measures that were put in place to protect air quality.


In answer to questions, members were advised that one of the options being considered for increasing awareness of air quality issues in schools was the development of an interactive presentation, based on the model developed in some London boroughs.  This covered issues such as choosing a clean route to walk to school.




Household Waste Recycling Centres

To receive an oral update with respect to the consultation by the County Council on proposals make savings against the cost of running the household waste recycling centres.




The Panel was advised that, although at their last meeting (Minute 34, 14 January 2016 refers) they had been advised that the County Council would shortly be launching a consultation on proposals for changes to the operation of the Household Waste Recycling Centres, this had been delayed.  As it was now likely that the consultation period would start in mid-March and expire before the next meeting of the Panel in June, it was agreed that a special meeting of the Panel should be arranged to allow members to consider their views, to assist the Portfolio Holder in preparing this Council’s formal response.


Members asked to receive information about the usage levels of each of the District’s Household Waste Recycling Centres, to assist them in evaluating any proposals put forwards.




Visit to National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

Following the visit to the Oceanography Centre on 17 February 2016, to discuss any issues arising.




The Panel expressed their appreciation for the useful and informative visit that had been arranged to the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton and thanked all those officers who had been involved.  Members had been particularly impressed by the knowledge and enthusiasm of the officers.  They had also been very impressed by the range of activities at the Centre and at the role that they played nationally and regionally, indeed often giving advice to international contacts.


The Panel referred to the importance of the current work by the Task and Finish Group to look at future funding options for costal projects.  It was expected that the Group would be meeting again in the near future.


The Panel was advised that confirmation had recently been received that the Centre had secured funding for a further 5 years to continue their Regional and National coastal monitoring role.  A press statement, which would include information on the excellent work carried out at the Centre, would be released shortly.




Work Programme pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To review the work programme, in the light of the Corporate Plan, to guide the Panel’s activities over the coming months.



Additional documents:


The Panel agreed that a substantive review of the work programme should be held over to their next meeting to allow the new management structures to be put in place and the opportunity to develop a greater understanding of some of the issues involved, within this new context.


In respect of the proposed coach tour of sites affected by the local plan, Members agreed that it would be impractical to organise one or a series of tours that would give members adequate visibility and access to sites, based on coach access.  They agreed that a “self-service” approach with a package of information provided about the best view points, access arrangements etc on each site would be preferable.  This would allow members to visit, perhaps in small groups, in the way that best suited their own particular needs.




That the work programme attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes be approved to guide the Panel’s activities over the coming months.