Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. View directions
Contact: Tel: 023 8028 5072 - Matt Wisdom E-mail:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs England, Hartmann, Millington, Osborne, Thierry and Wade.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2024 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2024, be confirmed.
Declarations of Interests To note any declarations of interests made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interests must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests by Members.
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: New Councillor Welcome
The Chairman extended a warm welcome and offered his congratulations to Councillor John Adams, who was attending his first Full Council meeting, following his election to the Barton and Becton Ward in October.
The Chairman reported that, alongside the Vice-Chairman, the Armed Forces Champion and the Leader, the Council was represented at a number of Remembrance Services during November.
A special mention was given for the attendance of the Armed Forces Champion at the Armistice Day Commemoration, held at the Regimental Headquarters of 17 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC, where the Armed Forces Champion was given the honour of assisting with the presentation of Coronation Medals to the Soldiers.
A commemoration took place at Appletree Court on 11 November, where the Leader and the Chairman both laid a wreath, alongside some of the Council’s staff veterans.
St Georges Hall
On 29 October, the Council joined Fawley Parish Council to host a special showcase of the upgraded facilities at St George’s Hall, which included a tour of the renovated spaces, live demonstrations of the new amenities, and a number of speeches. Those who attended saw how the hall and grounds had been transformed, and the Chairman was particularly thrilled that local young people had somewhere warm, safe, and fun to go on a regular basis.
The Chairman highlighted that this initiative had been a partnership approach from day one, with several NFDC teams, Members, officers, Fawley Parish Council officers and Members, Hampshire County Council public health, the youth club, 17 Port and Maritime Regiment in Marchwood, and community members all coming together to deliver the ideas, provide funding, and work on a refurbished hall that delivered for local residents.
The Chairman reported on the following further engagements undertaken since the last Council meeting:-
18 October
The Chairman attended the AGM of Stop Domestic Abuse Charity at Hedge End, including a presentation from their Chief Executive highlighting support services delivered by the charity to victims and survivors of domestic abuse. The Chairman had asked officers to look into how the charity might engage with NFDC as the Council’s own Domestic Abuse Strategy was developed.
24 October
The Chairman was honoured to attend as His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire hosted the Award Ceremony for the South East Reserve Forces and Cadets Association at Lord Wandsworth College, Aldershot.
11 November
New Forest Mencap held its AGM, an organisation reaching out to communities to let them know they want to help make the UK the best place for people with a learning disability to live happy and healthy lives.
28 November
The Brilliance in Business Awards were held at Brockenhurst College. These awards acknowledged and celebrated individuals and businesses that demonstrated outstanding achievements.
4 December
The Chairman was delighted to host a reception for staff from across the Council with over 20 years’ service. He was joined by the Leader, Chief Executive and the Executive Management Team, and by over 50 officers from across the workforce. Many of the ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
Leader's Announcements Minutes: The Leader of the Council made the following announcements:-
UK Shared Prosperity Fund
The Leader referred to the display banner at Appletree Court, outlining how the district had benefitted from its £1 million allocation from the UK Shared Prosperity fund. These funds had been directed towards projects that delivered real, measurable value to local communities, many delivered by the Council. Projects like new play equipment in Fordingbridge and Ringwood, flower and bulb planting in Marchwood, improved beach shelters at Hordle Cliff, Barton Cliffs and Milford Promenade, creative hubs for LGBTQ+ young people in New Milton and Sway, and a weekly park run at Gang Warily Leisure Centre. Case studies for ten of these impactful projects had been completed and were available to view on the Council’s website.
Enhanced football facilities in Ringwood
It was reported that the Council had worked with partners to deliver enhanced football facilities in Ringwood and, this month, the Leader was delighted to attend Ringwood Community Hub’s opening event for their two-storey pavilion with changing rooms, offices and a club house. Prior to this, a 3G Artificial Turf Pitch opened for football training in February last year. The Council gave £535,000 towards this project, and this facility would help to improve the health and wellbeing of local communities.
Bartley Park, Totton
The Council was informed that Bartley Park in Totton had been extended and improved to include a meadow with new dog training and activity equipment, and a timber boardwalk, which established a circular walking route throughout the wider park. This extension was part of the Council’s Green Way recreational mitigation programme, which aimed to enhance existing green spaces in the district.
Budget consultation
Last week the Council launched its budget consultation to Business Rate Payers within the New Forest. The Leader encouraged all business owners to respond via the Council's website.
Gambling Act 2005 Policy Review Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Tungate introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the General Purposes and Licensing Committee meeting held on 1 November 2024. Cllr Young seconded the motion.
That the revised Statement of Principles in relation to the Gambling Act 2005, be approved.
Polling District and Polling Places Review 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Tungate introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the General Purposes and Licensing Committee meeting held on 1 November 2024. Cllr Young seconded the motion.
That Council agree:-
1. There should be no changes to the polling districts; and
2. The changes to polling places as set out in the table at Appendix 1 of the report.
Report of Cabinet - 6 November 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: PART I – ITEMS RESOLVED BY CABINET
There were no speakers on the items resolved by Cabinet at its meeting on 6 November 2024.
Item 2 – Financial Monitoring Report (Based on Performance April to September 2024 inclusive)
Cllr Heron introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 6 November 2024. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
That Council approve the £375,000 supplementary budget for the Hardley Depot scheme as a result of abnormal groundworks.
Report of Cabinet - 4 December 2024 Ahead of the Supplementary Council Agenda publication, which will follow the Cabinet meeting, the background Cabinet reports relating to this meeting can be viewed on the Council’s website at the following link:-
Additional documents:
There were no speakers on the items resolved by Cabinet at its meeting on 4 December 2024.
Item 3 – Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26, Policy Review and Council Tax Premiums
Cllr Heron introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 4 December 2024. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
Cllr J Davies proposed an amendment to the recommendations, to remove the 10% minimum contribution from the Council Tax Reduction Scheme. Cllr Rackham seconded the amendment.
Members speaking for the amendment highlighted that the Task and Finish Group did recommend the removal of the 10% minimum contribution in view of income from empty homes premiums, and that it would save officer administration time. It was suggested that those with the least to spend, often spend what they have locally, supporting local businesses, therefore putting this income back into the area. Some Members expressed dissatisfaction that the Overview and Scrutiny Panel did not agree with the Task and Finish Group’s recommendation on this subject.
Members speaking against the amendment highlighted the loss of nearly £300,000 of income across all precepting authorities, which presented challenges for the delivery of vital public services. It was noted that the most vulnerable of residents were already protected from this minimum contribution. Addressing administration, Members referred to the collection rate for council tax which was considered high performing.
In relation to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s recommendations, it was highlighted that it was the Panel’s remit to review the work of the Task and Finish Group and make onward recommendations to Cabinet.
The Leader of the Council highlighted some of the key priorities of the Council that would be impacted by this loss of income, including the homelessness assistance budget.
Put to the vote, the amendment was lost.
That the Council approve:-
1. The changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme from 1 April 2025:-
a. The removal of the Band D cap at an overall cost to precepting authorities of £33,000;
b. The increase of the de-minimus rule to £2 at no net cost; and
c. The alignment of childcare costs with universal credit for all claims at a saving of £3k to precepting authorities.
2. The Council Tax Reduction Scheme Sanctions and Prosecution Policy.
Item 4 – Council Tax 2025/26 – Setting the Tax Base
Cllr Heron introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 4 December 2024. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
One Member highlighted a marked increase in a particular area and questioned the reasons for this. Following an initial response from the Portfolio Holder, the Chairman of the Council suggested that this technical information could be supplied to Members outside of the meeting.
The recommendations were put to a recorded vote, the outcome of which was as follows:-
Voting for:- Cllrs Adams, Alvey, Armstrong, Blunden, Brand, Clark, Clarke, Cleary, Crisell, Cullen, J Davies, S Davies, ... view the full minutes text for item 42. |
Overview and Scrutiny Substitutions Protocol Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Cleary introduced the report and moved the adoption of the recommendations, which set out proposals for a protocol in support of substitute Members for Overview and Scrutiny Panels. She thanked Group Leaders for their support in developing the proposals. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
Advice was provided to Members, that a proposed amendment in relation to the process for selecting the Chairmen of Overview and Scrutiny Panels was a separate substantive issue that could be brought forward for debate at a future meeting.
Members speaking in favour of the recommendations highlighted the ability to continue with meetings that represented the political makeup of the Council and that good scrutiny could be maintained.
Members speaking against the recommendations cited some concerns about the continuity of work by committees and panels where regular substitutions were taking place.
In responding to the debate, Cllr Cleary highlighted the expectations on substitute Members to stay engaged with the work of the Panels so that they could effectively engage as a voting Member when appointed.
That the Council:-
1. Approves the amendment to the Standing Orders of Meetings at paragraph of the report, to make provision for a Substitutions Protocol; and
2. Adopts the Substitutions Protocol, at Appendix 1 of the report.
Allocation of Seats and Appointments to Committees and Panels Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Cleary introduced the report and moved the adoption of the recommendations. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
That the Council:-
1. Having considered the allocation of seats to committees and panels in accordance with the principles set out in the report, agrees to maintain the Council’s current position set out in the table at paragraph 12 of the report; and
2. Appoints councillors to individual committees and panels, as identified in Appendix 1 of the report, for the remainder of the four year period ending May 2027.
To ask questions under Standing Order 22. Questions received will be published ahead of the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to Democratic Services by no later than 12.00 noon, Wednesday 4 December 2024).
Additional documents: Minutes: Questions were put and answered under Standing Order 22, as follows:-
· From Cllr Alvey to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Tipp, on planning applications within the Solent Freeport. · From Cllr J Davies to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Blunden, on New Street public conveniences, Lymington. · From Cllr Millar to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Tipp, on support for farmers through the local plan process. · From Cllr Clark to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Cleary, on local government reorganisation. · From Cllr Osborne to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Blunden, on solar panels in car parks. · From Cllr Rackham to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Cleary, on Solent Freeport business rates. · From Cllr Harrison to the Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing, Cllr Poole, on support to local communities. · From Cllr Brand to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Cleary, on transparency. · From Cllr A Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness, Cllr S Davies, on housing waiting lists. · From Cllr M Clark to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Tipp, on Building Control. · From Cllr A Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing Cllr Poole, on Freedom Leisure.
Note – a copy of the full questions and replies are attached to these minutes.