Agenda item

Report of Cabinet - 4 December 2024

Ahead of the Supplementary Council Agenda publication, which will follow the Cabinet meeting, the background Cabinet reports relating to this meeting can be viewed on the Council’s website at the following link:-


Cabinet – 4 December 2024





There were no speakers on the items resolved by Cabinet at its meeting on 4 December 2024.





Item 3 – Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26, Policy Review and Council Tax Premiums


Cllr Heron introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 4 December 2024.  Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.


Cllr J Davies proposed an amendment to the recommendations, to remove the 10% minimum contribution from the Council Tax Reduction Scheme.  Cllr Rackham seconded the amendment.


Members speaking for the amendment highlighted that the Task and Finish Group did recommend the removal of the 10% minimum contribution in view of income from empty homes premiums, and that it would save officer administration time.  It was suggested that those with the least to spend, often spend what they have locally, supporting local businesses, therefore putting this income back into the area.  Some Members expressed dissatisfaction that the Overview and Scrutiny Panel did not agree with the Task and Finish Group’s recommendation on this subject.


Members speaking against the amendment highlighted the loss of nearly £300,000 of income across all precepting authorities, which presented challenges for the delivery of vital public services.  It was noted that the most vulnerable of residents were already protected from this minimum contribution.  Addressing administration, Members referred to the collection rate for council tax which was considered high performing. 


In relation to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s recommendations, it was highlighted that it was the Panel’s remit to review the work of the Task and Finish Group and make onward recommendations to Cabinet. 


The Leader of the Council highlighted some of the key priorities of the Council that would be impacted by this loss of income, including the homelessness assistance budget.


Put to the vote, the amendment was lost.




That the Council approve:-


1.     The changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme from 1 April 2025:-


a.     The removal of the Band D cap at an overall cost to precepting authorities of £33,000;


b.     The increase of the de-minimus rule to £2 at no net cost; and


c.      The alignment of childcare costs with universal credit for all claims at a saving of £3k to precepting authorities.


2.     The Council Tax Reduction Scheme Sanctions and Prosecution Policy.


Item 4 – Council Tax 2025/26 – Setting the Tax Base


Cllr Heron introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 4 December 2024.  Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.


One Member highlighted a marked increase in a particular area and questioned the reasons for this.  Following an initial response from the Portfolio Holder, the Chairman of the Council suggested that this technical information could be supplied to Members outside of the meeting.


The recommendations were put to a recorded vote, the outcome of which was as follows:-


Voting for:- Cllrs Adams, Alvey, Armstrong, Blunden, Brand, Clark, Clarke, Cleary, Crisell, Cullen, J Davies, S Davies, Dowd, Dunning, Glass, Harrison, Hawkins, Haywood, Heron, Linford, Mballa, McCarthy, Millar, Murray, O’Sullivan, Parker, Penman, Penny, Poole, Rackham, Reid, Reilly, Richards, Rickman, Rippon-Swaine, Sleep, Tipp, Tungate, A Wade, Ward, Woods and Young.


Voting against:- None.


Abstaining:- None.


The recommendations were carried unanimously, 42  in favour, 0 against, 0 abstaining.




That the Council approve:-


1.     The calculation of the tax base for the year 2025/26 of £73,335.00; and


2.     Pursuant to the report and in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by this Council as its council tax base for the year 2025/26 as detailed in paragraph 13 of the report.


Item 5 – Leisure – Update and Proposed Fees and Charges 2025


Cllr Heron introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 4 December 2024.  Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.


One Member was concerned that the perceived value for money of the contract might represent value for money for the Council, but questioned what this meant for service users, and the level of service provided.  It was questioned whether Freedom had undertaken consultation with customers and service users on price rises and standards of service to support their proposals.  Some concerns were raised that there could be an adverse impact on the Council’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy objectives if customers were priced out of health and leisure services.


The Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing highlighted the financial pressures for the organisation in trying to deliver services and the Council’s priority to support its partner.


In responding to the debate, Cllr Heron welcomed the partnership with Freedom Leisure and was confident that value for money was to the benefit of the Council and to residents; both customers and non-customers of the health and leisure centres.




That the Council approve the proposed increases in fees and charges as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.


Supporting documents: