Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Bradbury Room, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - Ask for Melanie Stephens  Email:

No. Item




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2017 as a correct record.






That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2017 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




No declarations of interest were made by members in connection with an agenda item


Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




No issues were raised during the public participation period.


Draft Housing Strategy

To receive a verbal update following the Cabinet approval of the draft strategy.


The Housing Development & Strategy Officer updated the Panel on the progress of the draft Housing Strategy.


Since the September Panel meeting, a consultation exercise had been undertaken with key partners, including all Parish and Town Councils and neighbourhood plan areas, seeking views by 27 October 2017. Six detailed responses had been received.


The public consultation would close on 24 November 2017. At the end of the consultation period, housing managers would meet with relevant colleagues to discuss the consultation responses. These would be fed into the strategy where appropriate.


Officers would also draft a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Park Authority to strengthen partnership working on joint housing and planning issues.


It was anticipated that the Strategy would be submitted to the Cabinet for final approval early in 2018.  Once approved, officers would implement an action plan, which would work in tandem with the developing homelessness strategy. Officers would set out key milestones in the action plan in order to monitor and review the progress of the Strategy.


Members requested that Officers give consideration to addressing the need to retain and attract young people to the District.  Officers would take this on board in the final Strategy.


Members discussed various options to increase housing supply and were informed that, amongst other tasks, officers were currently holding discussions with Town and Parish Councils regarding potential release of land for development, as well as examining ways to assist community building projects. The Council was keen to progress and pursue all options and seek out funding to advance these, and as such would shortly be recruiting for an additional Housing Development & Strategy Officer.




That the Panel notes the progress made and receives regular updates on the progress of the Strategy as and when appropriate.



Universal Credit Update pdf icon PDF 647 KB

To receive a verbal update on the implementation of Universal Credit.


The Housing & Community Service Manager gave a presentation updating members on the progress with Universal Credit (UC) implementation attached at Appendix 1 to the Minutes.


This complicated change to the benefits system included the merger of six working age benefits, including Housing Benefit which the Council currently administered. Universal Credit roll out for working age claimants was expected to be implemented by 2022. In the New Forest, Universal Credit had been fully implemented in Totton with 375 claims being activated. Universal Credit would start to be rolled-out for the rest of the District from May and June 2018. Universal Credit only affected working age benefits. It was anticipated that the Government would review pension aged claimants in 2022. Until this date they would continue to claim Housing Benefit.


Universal Credit had proved to be a difficult culture shift for claimants, as they not only had to claim on-line but prove, through a work journal, that they were actively seeking employment. Claimants were also now fully responsible for paying their rent and rent arrears was increasing. Already 10% of rent arrears were from Council tenants claiming UC and this was expected to continue as UC rolled out.  Most claimants had found the whole process complicated.  However despite the increasing pressure on staff resources, Officers were continuing to work closely with tenants, offering advice and information about claiming, giving budgeting advice and setting up alternative payment plans where needed.


In order to assist in the implementation process, the Council would shortly be upgrading its current housing software system. One of the benefits of this new system would be the production of an automated text, reminding residents to pay their rent.


Residents in receipt of Universal Credit in the District, had, despite the complicated administration of the system, provided positive feedback to Council Officers for their support.  However, the current level of support might not be able to be sustained due to reducing resources.


The Housing & Community Service Manager would continue to provide the Panel with regular updates on the implementation of Universal Credit in the District as and when appropriate. 




Health & Wellbeing Presentation pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To receive a presentation on the progress of the Health and Wellbeing Board and future priorities.


The Physical Activity & Partnership Manager gave a presentation on the New Forest Health and Wellbeing Board attached at Appendix 2 to the minutes.


Health & Wellbeing Boards were statutory bodies introduced under the Health & Social Care Act 2012. The aim of the Boards was to improve integration between practitioners in local health care, social care, public health and public services, so that service users experienced more ‘joined up’ care.


New Forest Health & Wellbeing Board included key statutory partners such as West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Hampshire County Council and the District Council with the District Council taking the lead role on the Board. The Board was currently being reviewed, so that statutory partners who had a direct role in health provision took a more leading role, with the District Council acting as the Board’s facilitator.


The Board sought to address public health priorities identified through the Hampshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Health and Wellbeing Strategy. These key action plans set out how key partners would work to reduce health inequalities, develop and strengthen partnership working across statutory and voluntary sectors, to share good practice and reduce duplication.


In recognising the importance of the Board in seeking to address the health needs of the District’s residents, the Panel requested that officers submit a report to the next Panel meeting setting out the agreed priorities of the Board and give practical examples of the positive project work taking place in the New Forest.




That a further report on Health and Wellbeing agenda be brought to a future Panel meeting.



Dibden Golf Centre

To receive a verbal update from the Chairman of the Task & Finish Group.


The Chairman of the Dibden Golf Centre Task & Finish Group, Cllr B Andrews, updated the Panel on the recent activities at the Centre.


The Chairman of the Task & Finish Group had attended two monitoring meetings with Mytime Active in the last six months, where discussions had taken place on the business activities, finance and investment progress, and work plan. 


At the last meeting Mytime Active confirmed that they had made good progress at the start of this financial year however, after a good April attendance had deteriorated, mostly because of poor weather, where they had to implement cost reduction techniques (such as special promotions) to increase footfall at the site. This had had some success and despite the weather challenges, overall, the first two quarters showed that the Golf Centre was just ahead of targets.


On 21 November, Cllr Andrews would attend to observe a meeting of Mytime Active’s regular Users’ Forum, as communication with their users had been highlighted as a concern by the Task & Finish Group. 


As well as attending monitoring meetings, two “Management” meetings had been held to discuss essential matters regarding rent and investment. These meetings would continue, and updates on all matters would be given to the Panel on a bi-annual basis.


Cllr Andrews also reported that the copper from the roof of the Centre had been stolen again. This would be replaced by Mid-November, with Mytime Active picking up the cost of the replacement.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To consider the Panel’s future work programme, and make changes where necessary.




The Panel considered their future work programme as set out in Appendix 3 to these minutes.




That the Panel’s work programme set out in Appendix 3 to these minutes be agreed.



Portfolio Holders' Updates

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holders to provide an update to the Panel on any issues.




The Portfolio Holder for Health & Leisure reported on the following: -


·        The closing date for community grant applications had now closed and the Task & Finish Group would shortly be interviewing eligible applicants.

·        Eling Tide Mill would open end of March 2018.

·        Ringwood Health and Leisure Centre had seen an increase in gym membership by 200 following the refurbishment.

·        Applemore learner pool would be refurbished over the Xmas period, with lessons continuing in the pain pool to minimise disturbance for customers.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing & Communities thanked housing staff for all their hard work.