Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Bradbury Room, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - Ask for Melanie Stephens  Email:

No. Item


Cllrs Ms Cerasoli and Penman.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2017 as a correct record.




The Service Manager Business Improvement and Customer Services informed the Panel that where trees were obstructing the view of CCTV cameras, the Council had sent out letters to owners asking them to trim trees to ensure camera visibility. It was also confirmed that meetings had been arranged with Town and Parish Councils and this Council in June to discuss financial contribution to the cost of cameras. The outcome of this and other issues ongoing within the CCTV service, such as consideration of purchasing of re-deployable cameras, relocation and upgrade of the CCTV control room and progress of community alarms, would be explained fully in a report to the Panel in September.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2017 be signed as a correct record by the Chairman.  



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




No declarations of interest were made by members in connection with an agenda item.


Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




No issues were raised during the public participation period.


Mr C Elliott


The Chairman reminded members that this was the last meeting of the Panel that Mr Elliott would be attending prior to his retirement in a few days’ time.  The Chairman and members expressed their appreciation for the support that Mr Elliott had given the Panel.


Mr Elliott thanked the Panel for their comments and for their best wishes for the future.



Dibden Golf Centre Task & Finish Group pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To consider the findings of the Group.


The Panel considered the findings and recommendations of the Dibden Golf Centre Task & Finish Group.


Cllr Andrews, Chairman of the Task & Finish Group explained that the Task & Finish Group had been established to review the performance of Mytime Active in their operation of Dibden Golf Centre.  Mytime Active had commenced management of the Centre on 1 April 2012 as part of a 30 year contract agreement with the Council. Part of the contract included provision for the first five years of rent to include fixed increments. The Group over a course of four meetings, including a site visit and discussions with golf club representatives, service users and representatives, examined the performance of Mytime Active, in order to assess the appropriate level of rent for the next five years, namely 2017-2021.


Following the site visit the Group highlighted their disappointment with Mytime Active that basic maintenance at the Centre such as pathways, fencing and lighting needed to be addressed.  Improvements had subsequently been made. Of further concern to the Group was the fact that Mytime Active had been unable to fulfil their initial investment proposal.


The Group saw a need to develop a closer working arrangement with Mytime Active to monitor the investment programme for the next five years, and general maintenance at the centre.  This could be achieved through quarterly meetings with Mytime Active, Officers and members of the Task & Finish Group. As such, the Group recommend that the Task & Finish Group continue their role and report back updates to the Panel on an annual basis.


The Task & Finish Group had now agreed the rent for the next five years and this had been put forward and accepted by Mytime Active. This was a 5% rent increase, fixed over five years.


The Portfolio Holder for Health and Leisure supported the recommendations of the Task & Finish Group and thanked them for their efforts in this matter.


The Panel also thanked the Task & Finish Group and officers for their hard work and supported the recommendations put forward.




That the following recommendations be submitted to the Cabinet for approval: -


(a)             That the rental for Dibden Golf Course be fixed at £152,471 per annum from 27 April 2017 over the next five year period of the contract;


(b)             That the Council not claim back the NNDR entitlement of £4,000 per year for 2017/18;


(c)             That the Council review the NNDR entitlement claim on an annual basis;


(d)             That the Dibden Golf Centre Task & Finish Group continue its work by attending regular monitoring meetings with Mytime Active every six months with progress reports being submitted to the Community Overview & Scrutiny Panel every year; and


(e)             That the Council schedule quarterly review meetings with Mytime Active, the Executive Head of Operations and the Chairman of the Task & Finish Group.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 49 KB

To consider the Panel’s future work programme, and make changes where necessary.



Additional documents:


The Panel considered their future work programme as set out in Appendix 1 to the minutes, including the establishment of a Leisure Service Task & Finish Group.




(a)             That the Panel’s work programme set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes be agreed;  and


(b)             That a Leisure Service Task & Finish Group be established to examine the Council’s future leisure service provision. Terms of Reference for the group would be brought to the September Panel meeting for approval. The Group would consist of three members for the Community Overview & Scrutiny Panel, the Chairman of the Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Panel and two other members of the Council, to be appointed by the Chairman of this Panel.



Portfolio Holders' Updates

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holders to provide an update to the Panel on any issues.




The Portfolio Holder for Health & Leisure reported the following: -


·        The Eat Out Eat Well Scheme, where the Council assists local business to provide healthy food in their staff canteens had progressed well, with take-up from three local companies including Paulton’s Park.

·        All Leisure Centres were now offering ‘Total Reshape’ a new group fitness class. This was a structured strength & conditioning workout. This has proved extremely popular with 85% take-up. Fitness membership was up 12% between January – May, largely attributed to this new class.

·        Members across centres had now reached eight thousand, 12% increase. Income across all sites had met targets.

·        Maintenance and updates at all centres was progressing well.

·        Leisure Services would take part at the Council’s stand at this year’s New Forest Show, with the ‘Best of British’ theme.

·        Health and Leisure were also developing a roadshow across the District with the aim to encourage participation in leisure.

·        The Eling Experience project was now progressing well following receipt of funds from the Heritage Lottery Fund.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing & Communities reported the following: -


·        The first development and re-modelling of two additional units at the decommissioned Marryat Court site has now commenced.


·        The first upgrade to a lounge, at the former Ewart Court, decommissioned site has also started. The development was altered to accommodate request of Tenants and in doing so has saved money on the project.


·        A new policy of extensions & the re-configuring of existing housing stock to meet specific housing need has now been implemented. This means that existing smaller sized housing can be extended to increase sleeping and living space to suit the size and requirements of individual families.


·        Communication between the Council and Private Sector Landlords has been improved ensuring that PSL rented property now meets to save living standards as the Council’s own housing stock.


·        The Council’s housing Surveying and Technical team have been working hard to improve procurement arrangements by letting longer term contracts in line with new 3 year Housing Planned Maintenance Programme.


·        Both void times and waiting list on vacant garages has reduced, with garage vacancies reducing by 10% from the previous year. This has increased garage rent income.


·        Four potential development sites have been sourced and are currently at the preliminary stage with Planning and a further 10 sites have been put forward for further review.


·        The Home Improvement Agency has been moved in-house which as saved money and maintained service to customers.


·        The Council provided Disabled Facility Grants to nearly 200 Households across the District in the previous year which has allowed people to remain in their own Homes.


·        Work has commenced on an improved Disabled Facility Grant Policy for the District.