Agenda and minutes

Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Tuesday, 15th March, 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: The Bradbury Room, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - Ask for Melanie Stephens  Email:

No. Item


Cllr Coombes



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2016 as a correct record.






            That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2016 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




No declarations of interest were made by members in connection with an agenda item.



Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




No issues were raised during the public participation period.


CCTV Task & Finish Group pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To consider the findings of the Task & Finish Group.



The Panel considered a report of the CCTV Task & Finish Group and their recommendations.


The Panel supported the Task & Finish Group in their findings and recognised the many benefits that a functioning CCTV service provided to the residents of the District.




(a)             That the ongoing provision of the CCTV Service be supported;


(b)             That the Panel commends to the Cabinet that a joint procurement process be undertaken with Fareham Borough Council to source a transmission and maintenance provider, including priority works to upgrade the recording software;


(c)             That as part of an ongoing review of CCTV provision, officers investigate alternative methods to fund the upgrading of equipment and examine any other revenue opportunities for the CCTV service including initiating discussions with key partners and stakeholders such as the Police to ascertain their support/ need/reliance on the Council’s CCTV provision and their potential future financial contributions;


(d)             That a phased programme of camera replacement and control room refurbishment, either as part of the conditions within the new maintenance contract, or as and when funds become available through achieving internal efficiencies and future revenue income, be supported;


(e)             That other flexible monitoring solutions, such as re-deployable cameras, be considered; and


(f)               That officers undertake discussions/negotiations with individual Town and Parish Councils’ to ascertain their commitment to CCTV provision within their area and their future contributions towards the system.


Action: James Knight



Child Poverty Task & Finish Group pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To consider the findings of the Task & Finish Group.



The Panel considered a report of the Child Poverty Task & Finish Group.


The Panel, in recognising the complex and wide-ranging issues surrounding child poverty, and the limited powers and resources the Council had to influence this matter, congratulated the Task & Finish Group on the work they had undertaken.


Members agreed that holding an annual networking meeting between the Council and key stakeholders would be a valuable tool in sharing knowledge and working practices between partners.


Members were keen to examine further the health and wellbeing of the Gypsy, Roma & Traveller community and requested that the Council’s Health & Policy Development Manager be invited to give a presentation on this subject at a future Panel meeting.




(a)             That officers continue in their work with the Solent Credit Union to establish potential further hubs across the Forest and that the financial assistance and advice offered by this service continue to be communicated to Council tenants and residents;


(b)             That a networking event including the Council and its key partners be held on an annual basis, hosted by the Council; and


(c)             That a presentation on the health and wellbeing of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community be included on the Panel’s work programme.


Action: Nikki Luddington


Community Transport Task & Finish Group pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider the findings of the Task & Finish Group.



The Panel considered a report of the Community Transport Task & Finish Group with their recommendations.


Members were pleased to note that three community transport initiatives were available in the District for residents suffering financial hardship, particularly the wheels to work scheme which made available motorbikes for young people aged 16 – 25 enabling them to access employment and training.  Members felt that more could be done to advertise and market these worthwhile schemes. Members also requested that leaflets on the scheme be placed in members’ pigeon holes.


All three initiatives were delivered by Community First New Forest and were part funded by Hampshire County Council and New Forest District Council. Members were aware that the contracts for these schemes were due to expire and in their renewal, Hampshire County Council would seek to make efficiencies through the procurement process. However, the schemes would still be provided.


Members felt that as all three initiatives were well used, their continued provision should be supported.




(a)             That Community First New Forest be asked to carry out a feasibility study to explore a neighbour car/volunteer driver scheme in the New Forest to assist young people attending medical appointments;


(b)             That Community First New Forest be asked to carry out a feasibility study to explore the option of running a weekly Call & Go route to Bournemouth, Southampton and Lymington hospitals to coincide with visiting times, and the potential of also using the Group Hire scheme for this purpose; and


(c)             That Community First New Forest be recommended to undertake wider promotion of Call & Go scheme to the under 25 age group and to explore potential grant funding available for Group Hire specifically to assist the under 25 age group.


Action: Dean Brunton/Mel Stephens


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To review the work programme, in the light of the Corporate Plan, to guide the

Panel’s activities over the coming months.


Additional documents:


The Panel considered their work programme for 2016/17 in light of the corporate priorities and targets set out in the Corporate Plan.


Members agreed that once all Service Managers whose work fell within the remit of the Panel had been appointed, they be invited to the Panel to present on the future aspirations and priorities of their new service. This would guide members in deciding items for scrutiny for inclusion in their future work programme.


In discussing affordable housing and the Council’s future building aspirations, as a possible scrutiny item, the Executive Head of Economy, Housing and Planning advised the Panel that the proposed consultation draft on the Local Plan review would be considered by the Cabinet on 6 July 2016. This would discuss future possible development sites in the District. It was intended to hold 3 sector based meetings in order to brief all Members of the Council on the published proposals.   Once published, the draft proposals would be subject to a 3 month consultation period. All representations received would then be analysed and, in due course, considered by Members.


Panel members agreed that they should consider the issues surrounding affordable housing and rented tenures/starter homes when more was known about the extent of future development in the New Forest, following consultations and decisions on the Local Plan.




That the Panel’s work programme be agreed as set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes.


Portfolio Holders' Updates

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holders to provide an update to the Panel on any issues.




            The Portfolio Holder for Housing & Communities reported the following:-


·        The community safety team was now under the Governance and Regulation Department, headed by Grainne O’Rourke.


·        Rosemary Rutins had been recently appointed as the Service Manager for community safety.


·        Community safety as a whole would be reviewed in 2016/17 along with many other Council activities and a report would be brought to the Panel during 2016/17.


·        The Safer New Forest Strategy Group (also known as the community safety partnership) had met on 7 March 2016 and the Portfolio Holder had been elected Chairman. At this meeting the partners had agreed the partnership plan for the year, commencing on 1 April 2016. The Council had taken the lead on the priorities reducing anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse. It had also been agreed that the Joint Action Group (JAG) would be disbanded and the Strategy Group would take on both the strategic and delivery roles. The Strategy Group would also work on building a closer relationship with the New Forest District Association of Local Councils in order to ensure that the concerns of local people informed the Group’s actions and priorities.


·        The Council would also soon start PREVENT training to staff. This training would help the Council’s statutory obligations to have regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism.


·       The Portfolio Holder was pleased to announce that negotiations between the District Council and the County Council regarding Stocklands and Cranleigh Paddock had been successful. The Cabinet would, at their meeting in April, consider a proposal regarding the acquisition of land at Stocklands, Calmore, from Hampshire County Council and the disposal of land & buildings at Cranleigh Paddock, Lyndhurst to Hampshire County Council. The Portfolio Holder thanked all officers involved in this matter.