Agenda and minutes

Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Tuesday, 16th June, 2015 6.00 pm

Venue: The Bradbury Room, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - Ask for Melanie Stephens  Email:

No. Item


Cllr N S Penman



To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 17 March and 18 May as correct records.





That the minutes of the meetings held on 17 March and 18 May 2015 be signed by the Chairman as correct records.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




No declarations of interest were made by members in connection with an agenda item.


Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




No issues were raised during the public participation period.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To note the Panel’s terms of reference.


The Panel noted its terms of reference and were given brief introductions by Heads of Service regarding their service areas.  Full details of the service areas could be found on Forestnet.  Previous work undertaken by the Panel was explained.




New Forest Health & Wellbeing Board Presentation pdf icon PDF 531 KB

To receive a presentation on the work of the New Forest Health & Wellbeing Board.



The Panel considered the work of the New Forest Health & Wellbeing Board in delivering public health improvement in the New Forest.


Health & Wellbeing Boards were statutory bodies introduced under the Health & Social Care Act 2012. The aim of the Boards was to improve integration between practitioners in local health care, social care, public health and public services, so that service users experienced more ‘joined up’ care. The boards were also responsible for reducing health inequalities.


The Panel received details on local data and the health profile of the New Forest. Of particular concern was the high number of children living in poverty within the District. The Panel heard that 20% of all Hampshire’s Gypsy & Traveller population lived in the New Forest. The traveller community suffered from poor health and had a lower life expectancy.  The Public Health England 2015 profile highlighted that the New Forest, in comparison to the rest of England, had a high number of:  alcohol specific hospital stays for under 18’s, excess weight in adults, incidence of malignant melanoma, excess winter deaths and killed and seriously injured on roads.


The New Forest Health & Wellbeing Board had an action plan with key priority actions to improve health and wellbeing in the District. The plan would be reviewed in 2015 and would address the areas of concerns set out above. The priority areas and actions in the plan were reviewed every six months by the Board.




That the Panel supports: -


(i)         The New Forest Health & Wellbeing Partnership Board in promoting the health and wellbeing agenda across the New Forest to partners and the wider population and in providing strategic leadership based on identified needs and policy;


(ii)        The involvement of New Forest District Council in any  County arrangements for public health;


(iii)       The alignment of the District Council’s local partnership work being clearly aligned to the priorities of the current Hampshire Health & Wellbeing Partnership Board; and


(iv)       That the Panel review the New Forest Health & Wellbeing Board’s action plan in one year’s time.




Welfare Reform Presentation

To receive a presentation on welfare reform.


The Panel received a presentation from the Welfare & Benefits Manager on welfare reform.   He gave a summary on how welfare reform would impact:


·          Housing benefit

·          Benefits cap

·          Council tax reduction scheme

·          Discretionary housing payments; and

·          Universal credit


Members were updated on the Council’s approach to welfare reform changes, which would be achieved, to a large extent, through greater partnership working with external organisations, as well as closer working arrangements between Council departments.


Members expressed concern that the transition to universal credit would mean that for operational reasons, some benefit recipients might not be paid for 6-7 weeks. Members felt this was a significant amount of time for those on low income.




(a)             That the information contained in the presentation be received and noted; and


(b)             That future updates regarding welfare reform be brought to the Panel as and when necessary. 



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To consider the Panel’s future work programme, and make changes where necessary.




The Panel considered their future work programme, including the establishment of Task & Finish Groups, as set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes.




(a)             That the Panel’s work programme set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes be agreed;  and


(b)        That the following Task & Finish Working Groups be established with the membership and objectives indicated:


(1) Child Poverty


Cllr Mrs Crisell and White, and previous Task & Finish Group members Cllrs Mrs Andrews, Clarke and O’Sullivan.



To further examine the ways in which the Council could assist in mitigating the impact of child poverty.


(2) Dibden Golf Centre


Cllr Russell and, subject to their agreement, Cllr Mrs Bennison and local ward members, Cllrs Andrews and Poole.



To undertake a mid-term financial review of the contract with Mytime Active.


(3) Statutory Nuisance (Joint Group with the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel)


Cllrs Mrs Crisell and tenant representative, Mr Woodroof.



To look at developing a policy on the investigation and enforcement of statutory nuisances.


          (4) CCTV Cameras


It was agreed that a Task & Finish Group be established to examine the location of CCTVs in the District. Terms of Reference for the group would be brought to the next Panel meeting for approval. Cllr Davis expressed an interest in joining this group once formally established.




Portfolio Holders' Updates

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holders to provide an update to the Panel on any issues.




The Portfolio Holder for Health & Leisure reported that the over 55s men’s cooking workshops had been well received and as such would be extended. The footfall for the Health and Leisure Centres was up from last year and all Health and Leisure Centres were above their targets.


            The Portfolio Holder for Housing & Communities reported the following: -


·          Impact assessments would be carried out shortly to analyse performance of CCTV cameras within the District. If there was no justifiable need to keep a CCTV camera, then decisions would be made as to whether it should be removed. Transmissions solutions would also be examined at the same time. Officers would work towards a procurement solution and would like guidance from a working group on the current camera locations. It was agreed that a Task & Finish Group be established in this regard (see minute no. 10).


·          The Community Safety Partnership was undertaking the statutory review of crime and disorder in the District and the partnership would be presenting the draft review to the Panel in the near future.


·          The workings of the Joint Operation Group (JAG) had been reviewed and as a consequence their meetings would now be held bimonthly with a slightly different focus.