Issue - meetings
Portfolio Holder's Update
Meeting: 07/03/2024 - Place and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 45)
45 Portfolio Holders' Update PDF 105 KB
An opportunity for the Portfolio Holder’s to provide an update to the Panel on developments within their portfolio.
Additional documents:
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy provided an update on the key areas within his portfolio. The main points were as follows:
· The Local plan review had now begun with updates to be given to Panel in future months.
· The first meeting of the Totton Regeneration Partnership had occurred, with the aim of assessing where to focus improvements to Totton Centre. £136,000 had been provided for ‘quick wins’ that had been designated alongside the Town council for Summer 2024.
· The shop doctor scheme had engaged 32 businesses and feedback would be provided shortly to those participants along with the Mystery Shopper scheme returning for 2024.
· The Rural England prosperity fund was open for businesses with information on how to apply available on the Council’s website. Some money from this had been re-allocated for community use as take up from businesses not as strong.
· Information on ready to start apprenticeships and the Council’s skills hub was now available on the Council’s website. 50 businesses had signed up to the apprenticeship scheme.
· On CIL funding, the final list of projects splitting the £1mil CIL fund stood at 26.
Following the update from the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, members of the Panel were able to make comments and ask questions. These were as follows:
· On Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), it was explained that the majority of the listed targets were marked as ‘green’. The measures listed currently related to the existing Corporate Plan and some of the indicators were marked as grey as they had not reached the end of the measuring period. The new Corporate Plan with its new set of measures was currently being drafted and therefore the KPI list would be revised in the near future.
· The Panel heard that a KPI could be set on the take up of the Council’s newsletter.
The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability gave an update on the key pieces of work that had been undertaken recently within his portfolio. These were as follows:
· Following the Waste Strategy approval at February Council, preparations were underway ahead of the key service change in 2025. Messaging and communications were to be constant and consistent with all information kept up to date online and disseminated to all town and Parish Councils, residents newsletter and as well as all social media channels.
· Conversations regarding the waste strategy were being monitored and the ‘Change is Coming’ campaign would be underway in Summer 2024.
· The Portfolio Holder met members of the New Forest litter pickers and other volunteer groups to discuss the challenges of collecting and disposing of litter, including the sharing of ideas and best practice tips on how to reduce litter. Thanks was given to all of the volunteers across the District who worked hard to keep the District clean. The NFDC Street Scene Team were working hard to remove litter before the Easter Break.
· On fly tipping, several occurrences had been reported and thanks were given to the team that had proactively ... view the full minutes text for item 45