Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Pendle Gate, 10A Knowland Drive, Milford-on-Sea (Application 22/10657)'
- Cllr Christine Hopkins - Non Pecuniary - Cllr Hopkins declared a non-pecuniary interest on the basis she had expressed views which may give the impression that she had pre-judged the application, and therefore would not be take part in the debate or vote.
- Cllr David Hawkins - Non Pecuniary - Cllr Hawkins declared a non-pecuniary interest as he had visited the property next door, but he had not expressed any opinion on the application. Cllr Hawkins had requested that the neighbour, Mr Westland have the opportunity to put his case forward with regard to the roof extension overshadowing his solar panels. He concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.