Issue details

Traffic Management & Transportation Programme for 2015/16 to be Progressed by NFDC

i.          That the Traffic Management Programme for 2015/16, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report considered by the Portfolio Holder, is agreed and implemented, subject to detailed design work and careful consideration of objections to proposals that require statutory public advertisement and/or the consultations referred to in the Report.


ii.         That work on reserve schemes, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report considered by the Portfolio Holder, be progressed as soon as resources are available, subject to the careful consideration of objections to proposals that require statutory public advertisement and/or the consultations referred to in the Report if detailed proposals have not yet been prepared.


iii.         That the traffic regulation orders referred to in Appendix 1 to the report considered by the Portfolio Holder ,be formally advertised subject to no objections from the Local Hampshire County Councillor or the responsible Hampshire County Council officer if these have not already been consulted.


iv.        That the Traffic Management Programme and list of reserve schemes be amended by either the Head of Planning and Transportation or Planning Policy Manager in consultation with the Council’s Planning and Transportation Portfolio Holder and County Council Officers to reflect any of the following:


·                 Responses to advertised proposals

·                 Changes to local NFDC and HCC Members’ priorities

·                 Cabinet and Portfolio Holder decisions for allocation of developers’ contributions which HCC officers agree this Council can progress as HCC’s partner/agent.




Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/08/2015

Decision due: 20 Aug 2015 by Portfolio Holder Planning and Transportation

Lead member: Portfolio Holder Planning and Transportation

Contact: Louise Evans, Service Manager - Policy and Strategy Email:, Dean Brunton, Planning Monitoring Team Leader Email:, Allan Ellis Email:

Consultation process

See Report

