Register of interests

Cllr Philip Dowd

I, Cllr Philip Dowd a Member of the New Forest District Council give notice that I have the following financial interests

1. Please state any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation that you carry on for profit or gain.
Description of your employment activity Name of Employer or Body
Teaching Personnel St John's Church, Hythe PCC
2. Has any person or body (other than New Forest District Council) made any payments to you towards your expenses in carrying out your duties as a councillor, or towards your election expenses, within the last 12 months?
Yes/No If yes, please give the name of that person or body. You do not need to state the amount
Yes Liberal Democrat Party
3. Please give the name of any person or body which to your knowledge has a place of business or land in the New Forest District Council's area where you have either a beneficial interest in securities (for example shares, debentures, bonds etc) in the person or body with a nominal value of £25,000 or 1/100th of their total issued capital
4. Please describe any contract for goods, services or works between New Forest District Council and you or your company or employer
Contracts Contracts
N/A -
5. Please describe, with enough detail to identify its location, any land within the New Forest District Council area in which you have a beneficial interest (i.e. own, rent, lease or have a licence to occupy for a month or longer), either alone or with others. (Please provide a plan if appropriate.)
Address/Description of Land
15 Highlands Close, Dibden Purlieu, Southampton, Hampshire SO45 4HL
6. Please describe, with enough detail to identify its location, any land where the landlord is New Forest District Council and you, your company or employer are the tenant
Address/Description of Property Nature of Interest in Property
N/A -
7. Please list any bodies of which you are a member, or are in a position of general control or management, and to which you have been appointed or nominated by New Forest District Council as their representative
Name of organisation Position
N/A -
8. Please list any bodies of which you are a member, or are in a position of general control or management, which is a public authority or body exercising functions of a public nature
Name of Organisation Position
Hythe Primary School Governor
9. Please list any bodies of which you are a member, or are in a position of general control or management, and to which is directed to charitable purpose
Name of Authority Position
Handy Trust Trustee
10. Please list any bodies of which you are a member, or are in a position of general control or management, and one of whose principal puposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy
Name of Body Name of Body
Liberal Democrat Party -
Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors and Campaigners -
11. Are you married, or do you have a civil partner, or are you living with someone as if you were married or civil partners?
Yes/No Spouse/Partner's full name
Yes Adrienne Virginia Dowd
12. Please state any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation that your spouse/partner carries on for profit or gain
Name of spouse/partner's employer
13. Please give the name of any person or body which to your knowledge has a place of business or land in the New Forest District Council's area where your spouse/partner has either a beneficial interest in securities (for example shares, debentures, bonds etc) in the person or body with a nominal value of £25,000 or 1/100th of their total issued capital
14. Please describe any contract for goods, services or works between New Forest District Council and your spouse/partner, their company or employer
Details Details
N/A -
15. Please describe, with enough detail to identify its location, any land within the New Forest District Council area in which your spouse/partner has a beneficial interest (i.e. own, rent, lease or have a licence to occupy for a month or longer), either alone or with others. (Please provide a plan if appropriate.)
Address/Description of Land Nature of Interest in Land
15 Highlands Close, Dibden Purlieu, Southampton, Hampshire SO45 4HZ -
16. Please describe, with enough detail to identify its location, any land where the landlord is New Forest District Council and your spouse/partner, their company or employer is the tenant
Details Details
N/A -
17. Do you have any dispensations?
Details Details
The Monitoring Officer has granted a dispensation under section 33 of the Localism Act to all New Forest District Councillors, relieving them of the restriction on participating and voting at meetings of New Forest District Council on matters affecting other Councils (including the National Park Authority) covering the District area from which they receive a members' allowance. This dispensation does not extend to any matters in which Councillors have a personal financial interest other than members' allowances received from other public bodies, nor in circumstances where common law rules would guard against participating and voting.
18. Voluntary Disclosure of Membership of Organisations
Liberal Democrat Party
Association of Liberal Democrat Campaigners and Councillors
Art House Southampton CIC
19. Other Disclosures