Issue - decisions
Condensation, Damp and Mould Policy for Housing (Landlord Services)
06/02/2025 - Condensation, Damp and Mould Policy for Housing (Landlord Services)
On 6 February 2025, Cllr Steve Davies, the
Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness made the following
That the draft Condensation, Damp, and Mould Policy (attached at
Appendix 1) be approved for adoption and implementation.
Any member of the Council, who is not a Portfolio Holder, who
considers that this decision should be reviewed should give notice
using the call-in facility at the top of this page on the
Council’s intranet / extranet site. Alternatively, notice can
be given to the Monitoring Officer (Tanya Coulter) (in writing or
by e-mail) to be received ON OR BY 5.15 pm on 13 February
Details of the document the Portfolio Holder considered are
attached below.