Issue - decisions

CCTV – Proposed expansion across the District

12/08/2024 - CCTV – Proposed expansion across the District



1.          That the proposed recommendations for the expansion of the public space CCTV camera network, adding 21 cameras across the district referred to as ‘phase one’ be agreed; and

2.          That following completion of phase one, the existing 29 analogue cameras on the public space network are upgraded to digital capability be approved, thus enabling the analogue transmission to end, creating opportunities to reduce the annual network costs associated with transmission of footage from the cameras to the control room.







Community, Safety and Wellbeing




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing introduced the report and explained that the matter had been considered by the Housing and Communities Overview & Scrutiny Panel and that the recommendations within the report were supported in full by the Panel. The Portfolio Holder endorsed the expanded CCTV coverage proposed within the report and the resultant installation of 21 new cameras across the District as part of ‘Phase One’.


The Strategic Director of Housing and Communities explained that extensive work had been undertaken to identify the locations for the additional CCTV cameras across the District. There were strict criteria set by the down by the Information Commissioner’s Office and the steering group assessed all the proposed locations alongside this set of rules. Some of the sites were dismissed during this process and Cabinet were reassured that each location has passed the necessary test.


The 21 proposed CCTV cameras would be sited across a combination of rural and urban locations. Some of the rural location installations would be supported by additional funding from the ‘Save the Streets’ campaign. Remaining funding would be provided by the capital scheme. Not all of the allocated funding was required for Phase One and therefore a second phase of work would take place whereby the existing 56 cameras would be replaced, moving to digital cameras with a long-term positive impact on annual costs.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Services praised the clear and precise methodology in establishing the number and placement of the proposed cameras.


A member of the Council asked a question on the data that was captured by the existing cameras and whether police requested to view the footage relating to recorded incidents. The Strategic Director of Housing and Communities confirmed he would look into this request and come back to the member with a response after the meeting.