Issue - decisions

Licensing Fees and Charges

25/03/2024 - Licensing Service Fees and Charges 2024/25

Cllr Tungate introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the General Purposes and Licensing Committee meeting held on 5 January 2024.  In doing so, he confirmed that objections had been received to the proposed taxi licensing fees and therefore recommendation ii was no longer applicable for the Council meeting.  Cllr Young seconded the motion.




That the Council:-


(a)   Approves the proposed fees (with the exception of taxi licence fees) for financial year 2024/25 as set out in Appendix 1 of the Cabinet report; and


(b)   Delegates authority to General Purposes and Licensing Committee to make the decision as to the level of taxi licensing fees for 2024/25 should objections to the proposed fees be raised during the public consultation period.