Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25

25/03/2024 - Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25

Cllr Alvey introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the Audit Committee meeting held on 26 January 2024.  Cllr Hartmann seconded the motion.




That the Council approve:-


(a)   The Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25 to 2026/27 including the Annual Treasury Management Investment Strategy for 2024/25 (and the remainder for 2023/24) and the Treasury Indicators contained within Annex A of the Audit Committee report; and


(b)   That authority be delegated to the Section 151 Officer, who in turn delegates to Hampshire County Council’s Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Operations, as agreed in the Service Level Agreement, to manage all Council investments and borrowing according to the Treasury Management Strategy Statement as appropriate.