Issue - decisions

Local Plan Review

09/02/2024 - Local Plan Review



That the Cabinet recommends that the Council agree to:


(a) commence a full review of the adopted Local Plan, to include Local Plan Part 1: Planning Strategy 2020 and policies saved from earlier local plans, and the preparation of a Design Code(s) for the Plan Area;


(b) publish the updated Local Development Scheme work programme at appendix one, initially to cover financial years 2024/25 and 2025/26;


(c) approve an initial Local Plan budget covering the next two financial years of £700,000, noting that £370,000 is currently allocated in a specific reserve, and that statutory increases in planning fees are expected to yield an additional income of £265,000 over this initial two-year period to further contribute towards the cost to complete the full review;


(d) approve a budget of £200,000 to cover the preparation of a Design Code(s) for the Plan Area;


(e) agree to update the Statement of Community Involvement to set out how the public and other interested parties will be consulted and can participate in the Local Plan review; and


(f) agree to the formation of a cross-party working group to provide wider Member engagement, oversight and scrutiny into the preparation of the Local Plan.








Planning & Economy.




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy introduced the report on the Local Plan Review. The report addressed the need to review the Local Plan and how it was vital in setting the vision and key objectives for the New Forest District. Given the wider challenges and opportunities that the Council will face, particularly the matter of housing supply, commencing work on a full review of the Local Plan, as a single comprehensive document, is recommended.


The Acting Assistant Director of Place Development explained how the different sections of the report, namely the options available to Council as well as the need for a new Design Code.


There would be an outlay of £700,000 over the next two financial years to progress the preparation and full evidence base/ independent examination of the local plan. This cost implication, along with a further £200,000 on development of the Design Guide, would be vital in creating a tool that would encourage investment and development across the District.


It was suggested by non-executive members that new housing and development should be both sustainable and bold in design.


It was explained that the Government requires local authorities to review their local plans every 5 years and therefore it is prudent to make budget provision. The extent to which the plan is reviewed is at the discretion of the authority.


It was explained that a cross-party Task & Finish Group would be created to ensure wider Member engagement in the oversight and scrutiny of the Local Plan and encourage ownership of the process and outcomes when considered by full Council.