Issue - decisions
Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF)
27/10/2023 - Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF)
On 27 October 2023, Cllr Dan Poole, the
Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing, and Cllr
Jeremy Heron, the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate made
the following decision:
That the Portfolio Holders approve the allocation of remaining COMF
Covid funds for the project set out in the report.
Any member of the Council, who is not a Portfolio Holder, who
considers that this decision should be reviewed should give notice
using the call-in facility at the top of this page on the
Council’s intranet / extranet site.
Alternatively, notice can be given to the Monitoring Officer
(Grainne O’Rourke) (in writing or by e-mail) to be received
ON OR BY 5.15 pm on 3 November 2023.
Details of the document the Portfolio Holder considered are
attached below.