Issue - decisions

Procurement Strategy

06/11/2023 - Procurement Strategy (2023 Refresh)



That Cabinet recommend to Council that the Procurement Strategy (2023 Refresh) set out in attachment Appendix 1, be adopted.








Finance & Corporate




As set out in report.








The Portfolio Holder for Finance & Corporate reported that the paper dealt with a standard Council process and, as a refresh of the 2018 Procurement Strategy, would enable the Council to continue meeting the standards expected when undertaking the procurement of third parties.


The Strategic Director of Corporate Resources, S151 and Transformation explained that the Procurement Strategy 2023 was largely the same format and content as the 2018 version, however updates had been made on the guiding principles. These guiding principles were: Value, Compliance, Environment and Fairness. Each principle had a set of improvement goals and an action plan in order to help monitor the progress and achieve the desired aims.


A non-executive member asked whether the Council would be reviewing all other legal processes and procedures involving third parties to see how improvements could be made. Reference was made to leisure centres and the Portfolio Holder expressed that the contract in question had saved the Council a considerable amount of money whilst retaining leisure services.


The Portfolio Holder answered a further question on how the strategy would achieve wider value for money, and not just the lowest cost. He explained that the cheapest option was not always the best value for money as it could cause further expense in the near future. Therefore, the Cabinet would always assess tenders with a wider view than basic cost.