Issue - decisions

Tenant Engagement Strategy

06/10/2023 - Tenant Engagement Strategy



That Cabinet approve the current draft of the Tenant Engagement Strategy for consultation purposes with the Council’s Tenants and relevant stakeholders before a final draft is presented to Cabinet and Council in early 2024.








Housing and Homelessness




As set out in report.








The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness reported he was delighted to present the Tenant Engagement Strategy.  A significant amount of work had gone into the draft strategy which had been discussed with the Tenant Involvement Group and it had received wide ranging support.


The Tenant Engagement Manager reported that the Strategy had been written in response to The Charter for Social Housing Residents – Social Housing White Paper and the Social Housing Regulation Act 2023.  It took into account best practice and had been developed in partnership with residents.  There were four strategic priorities underpinning the Strategy in order to ensure that tenants were placed at the heart of housing services, that their experiences can drive and shape services as well as hold the Council to account.  The priorities sought to listen to our tenants; put tenants first; know our tenants and support engagement and promote how we communicate with tenants.


Members spoke in support of the draft Strategy.  A member sought confirmation that there would be extensive consultation on the strategy.  This was confirmed by the Portfolio Holder and noted that any feedback received would be fully considered.


It was also questioned by a member how the proposed focus on engagement activities would be representative considering groups in communal settings may have specific views relating to their blocks.  In response, the Tenant Engagement Manager acknowledged that it was a four year strategy and there was a lot of work to be carried out.  The Housing Hubs would be utilised in the community and that all housing teams would be involved in listening to the voice of tenants in order to understand what the Council does well and what could be done better.  It was also recognised that different tenants and communities might prefer different methods of engagement.