Issue - decisions

Strategic Risk Register

08/09/2023 - Strategic Risk Register



That the Cabinet recommends to Council the adoption of the Strategic Risk Register.




As set out in the report.




Report to Cabinet and Council.








As set out in the report.








The Leader explained that the Strategic Risk Register (SRR) was a ‘living’, working document that records the challenges and risks facing the Council and helps plan the direction taken in mitigating said risks.


The Insurance and Risk Officer, alongside the Executive Management Team (EMT), had undertaken a comprehensive risk review. Following this, the Audit Committee had provided input on the SRR and each risk had been evaluated on its potential impact to the Council. The Leader would remain briefed on the SRR as well as any and all developments.


The SRR also contained proposed Action Plans; these being strategies to avoid, accept or manage risks. The management of risks would be holistic, and the ownership of a risk would be assigned to a specific manager and team.


Cabinet agreed that the document must be well managed and that all members should familiarise themselves with the SRR and provide feedback on any areas of concern.


The Leader explained, following a question from a Councillor, that partnership work with the Citizens Advice Bureau on the matter of unclaimed benefits was ongoing and that the Revenue and Benefits team would continue to work to reach those vulnerable, hard-to-reach individuals who might be eligible for additional support. The Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing explained that a Community Forum was in development and that the District Council would lead this, alongside charities as well as the Town & Parish Councils.  This would help address the issue of how best to reach residents most in need of support. The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate reiterated that the Council, within the New Forest Partnership, had recently completed a campaign to support residents with the cost-of-living crisis and to assist people in checking if they are entitled to state benefits.


The Chairman of the Audit Committee, in reference to point 5.2 of the report, informed the Cabinet that he had received answers to the questions raised by the Committee and that he was satisfied with the responses.