Issue - decisions

Change to Dismissal Appeal Process

21/07/2023 - Change to Dismissal Appeal Process

Cllr Cleary introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the HR Committee meeting held on 8 June 2023.  Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.


One Member questioned to whom the benefit of this change was, and that it may not necessarily be in the interest of the employee.


In response to a request for the unions response to the proposal, paragraph 12.1 of the report outlined that the Employee Side representatives had no issues or concerns with the changes proposed.


In summary, one Member highlighted how stressful an appeal was to an employee and bringing forward these matters in a timely manner was to the benefit of all involved in the process.  It was also highlighted that the involvement and resolution by people trained appropriately and experienced in these matters was also to the benefit of the employee and all parties, given the complexity of employment law.




1.     That the proposal to change the internal Appeal process in relation to dismissals, outlined at section 6 of the report, be agreed.


2.     That authority be delegated to the Monitoring Officer to make the consequential changes arising to the Constitution, which include the Appeals Committee Terms of Reference.