Issue - decisions

Waste and recycling collection policy

21/07/2023 - Waste and Recycling Collection Policy

Cllr S Davies introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 5 July 2023 as circulated with the Supplementary Council agenda.  Cllr Cleary seconded the motion.


A number of questions were raised by Council Members throughout debate, including support for businesses, side waste and enforcement, ensuring that education and support was available to residents, the adaption of the service where wheeled bins were not suitable and the assisted collection policy; which brought about support to residents to collect wheeled bins from the property, rather than the kerbside.


Some concerns were raised over the introduction of wheeled bins to the New Forest, reflecting on its special characteristics.  This had been the subject of debate throughout the development of the waste strategy.


The Chairman of the Place and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel highlighted the detailed consideration undertaken in respect of the report and the Panel’s cross-party support for the recommendations.


In summing up, the significant work to develop the policy over the last few years was highlighted, which included regular constructive Member challenge.  Members were informed that the combining of bins was not desirable, given the risk of cross contamination and consequent impact on recycling rates.  The commitment to always support and inform before enforcement action was taken was reiterated.  The contention raised in debate over wheeled bins was addressed, with the overwhelming support and understanding at resident meetings and community events that the Portfolio Holder had attended in raising awareness of the wider waste strategy, in striving for improved rates of recycling.




That the adoption of the proposed waste and recycling collection policy and new garden waste terms and conditions for the roll-out of new collection services as set out in the Waste Strategy 2022-2027, be approved.




During the debate on this item, clarification was sought on the ability of Members to ask questions on items throughout the course of each debate.  The Chief Executive, and Monitoring Officer both clarified a number of points.  Firstly, that the Council’s Standing Orders had always provided for each councillor to speak once on each item.  Therefore, it was not within the gift of the Chairman to facilitate a question and answer style session with immediate responses given to each question, resulting in a back and forth between Members and the relevant Portfolio Holder.  The Chairman’s remarks at the start of the meeting, that it was important for Members to decide when to contribute during a debate, was relevant to this point.  Secondly, any questions that Members asked during the course of debate could be responded to in the summing up given by the relevant Cabinet Member or Committee Chairman, who had moved the recommendations.  It was suggested that whilst Members may put any questions of their choosing during debate, those of a very technical nature may be best suited to other forums, particularly those that required an officer to provide a detailed answer.


07/07/2023 - Waste and recycling collection policy



That the Cabinet recommends to Council the adoption of the proposed waste and recycling collection policy and new garden waste terms and conditions for the roll-out of new collection services as set out in the Waste Strategy 2022-2027.




As set out in the report.




Report to Cabinet and Council




Environment and Sustainability.




As set out in the report.








In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, the report was introduced by the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness.


The Portfolio Holder reminded members that, in response to national and regional changes in the approach to management of waste and resources, as well as a desire to ensure that local goals were met, the Council had approved a new Waste Strategy 2022-27 in July 2022. The proposed policy aimed to reduce waste and increase recycling in the District.


The Performance and Projects Manager for Waste and Transport briefly presented the report, highlighting that the policy detailed the way in which the new Waste and Recycling Strategy would be implemented to ensure continuity for residents, and set out the roles of responsibilities of the Council and residents. The policy would also improve the efficiencies and working conditions for operatives in the service as well as improving the service for residents. Members were informed that assisted collections service would continue and that residents could apply for this service through the Council’s administrative systems.


Cabinet Members spoke in support of the proposed policy, acknowledging that it was a major change to the service. The level of public consultation had been extensive, and there was a need to recycle more.


Following a question from a non Cabinet Member, in relation to property suitability for the new core services, it was noted that the Council was working with Keep Britain Tidy to carry out a robust property survey within the District. This survey would, upon completion, be analysed by Council officers in order to ensure that the right service was provided to all properties.