Issue - decisions

Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy

21/07/2023 - Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy

Cllr S Davies introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 7 June 2023.  Cllr Cleary seconded the motion.


In response to a question on the number of enforcement actions, a number of Members highlighted the importance of working positively with private landlords such as via the Housing Forum, with a reflection of how successful the policy was being how engaged private sector partners were, rather than the number of enforcement actions which were considered to be a last resort.


Members welcomed the policy as a firm but fair approach to working in partnership with the private sector, promoting the maintaining and where possible, the raising of high standards.  Requests for a review in 12 months time were welcomed by the Portfolio Holder.


It was clarified that this policy did not cover short term holiday lets and apartment rentals such as Airbnb.




That the Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy, establishing the remedies and legislative powers available to Officers to ensure housing standards are met in the private housing sector, be approved.


09/06/2023 - Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy



That Cabinet recommend to Council the approval of the proposed Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy, establishing the remedies and legislative powers available to Officers to ensure housing standards are met in the private housing sector.




As set out in the report.




Report to Cabinet and Council.




Housing and Homelessness




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness introduced the report and spoke of the Council’s commitment to achieve high standards of accommodation in the private rented sector.  The Enforcement Policy was robust, setting out the legal powers and remedies available for officers to use against landlords who did not meet their obligations.  He recognised that officers take a supportive approach to working with landlords but there was a need to safeguard tenants and take action against landlords when required


The Private Sector Housing Manager briefly presented the report, highlighting that the Policy brought in the legislative powers the Council could take in relation to enforcement.  She confirmed that a cooperative approach to working with landlords would be taken to inform them of their duties and to maintain high standards of accommodation.  The majority of landlords were compliant.  The policy introduced charges for the issue of enforcement notices and introduced civil penalties.


Members spoke in support of the proposed policy and recognised the importance of working with private landlords in order to ensure the provision of good quality private sector housing for residents in the District.  It was further noted that landlords could seek advice and support from the Council should they have any problems with their tenants.


