Issue - decisions

Proposed Purchase of Twelve Homes for Ukrainian and Afghan Families

07/03/2023 - Proposed Purchase of Twelve Homes for Ukrainian and Afghan Families

On 7 March 2023, Cllr Edward Heron, the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness Services made the following decision:

That the Council enters an agreement with central Government to purchase up to 12 homes under the Local Authority Housing Fund for Ukrainian and Afghan households.

Any member of the Council, who is not a Portfolio Holder, who considers that this decision should be reviewed should give notice using the call-in facility at the top of this page on the Council’s intranet/ extranet site. Alternatively, notice can be given to the Monitoring Officer (Grainne O’Rourke) (in writing or by e-mail) to be received ON OR BY 5.15 pm on Tuesday, 14 March 2023.

Details of the document the Portfolio Holder considered are attached below.