Issue - decisions

Totton Community Engagement

03/03/2023 - Totton Community Engagement



1.     That the content of the report be considered and that Cabinet support progressing delivery of the projects that have been identified in the report as ‘quick wins’;


2.     That Cabinet support in principle the 6 Design Principles which set the Vision for Totton and agree that further consultation takes place to seek views from key stakeholders such as the Town Council, County Council and Neighbourhood Plan Team; and


3.     That more detailed technical work as set out in the report be supported to progress a Regeneration Plan for Totton which will also inform future Local Plan work  




As set out in the report.








Planning, Regeneration and Infrastructure




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which set out the findings following a Community Engagement exercise carried out in 2022.  Seven themes had emerged.  A number of quick wins had been identified along with some further work which was welcomed. 


The Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy reported that the engagement exercise had identified differing views in relation to the impact of the car on the town centre.  6 design principles had been developed and these would be consulted upon with key stakeholders. 


A Cabinet Member spoke in support of the work carried out so far and the proposed future work in order to improve Totton.  It was recognised that Totton was the first of the town centres and villages to be reviewed and that other towns and parishes would follow.


Other members spoke in support of the report and welcomed the proposals.  Concern was raised in relation a comment within the report about the barrier of moving around the town and that this barrier was more psychological, rather than physical.  It was also felt there was an omission in quick wins regarding the look of Totton, through for example improvements to street furniture, railings, etc.  An officer response was provided and members noted that discussions were being held regarding public realm improvements and transport matters, however, these did not specifically form part of the report to Cabinet as they had not been raised through the engagement exercise.


A member questioned the reference made in the report to a vision for Totton and the Waterside.  He felt that the Waterside had its own communities which were separate to that of Totton.   Totton was an urban centre in its own right, and therefore reference to the Waterside should be removed.  A Cabinet member responded and acknowledged that whilst there are separate communities, Totton has economic links to other areas east of the forest and therefore felt that the link to the Waterside as outlined in the previously agreed vision document should remain.