Issue - decisions

Appointment of Strategic Director - Place

27/01/2023 - Appointment of Strategic Director - Place, Operations and Sustainability

The Leader of the Council moved the recommendations as set out in the report.  Cllr Andrews seconded the motion.


A number of Members spoke in support of the appointment.  It was considered that an excellent candidate had been found who would add great value to the District Council.  In doing so, Members recorded thanks to the Council officers who held the positions in the report that would be made redundant, for all their hard work in serving the residents of the New Forest.  It should be noted that the Council would be working closely with both individuals to ensure that HR procedures, including if appropriate redeployment, were followed.




1.     That the Council approves the appointment of James Carpenter as Strategic Director – Place, Operations and Sustainability of New Forest District Council.


2.     That the Council approves the dismissal on grounds of redundancy of the postholders:  Executive Head – Partnerships and Operations, and Executive Head – Planning Regeneration and Economy.