Issue - decisions
Leader Decision - Portfolio Holders
15/11/2022 - Leader Decision - Portfolio Holders
On 15 November 2022, the Leader of the
Council, Cllr Jill Cleary, made the following decisions:-
To authorise Portfolio Holders to take any executive decisions
individually on any matter falling within the service areas and
functions as set out within their respective portfolios, subject to
the procedures set out in the Constitution.
That the Scheme of Delegations to Officers relating to executive
functions that existed prior to 15 November 2022 will become the
new Scheme of Delegations to Officers relating to executive
functions from 15 November 2022, subject to the necessary
consequential changes arising from this decision.
To authorise the Chief Executive, Strategic Directors, Executive
Heads and Service Managers to take all day to day decisions in
respect of services within policy and budget, except in those
circumstances allowed for in the Council’s Constitution, in
the event that there have been legislative changes in respect of
the delegated powers.
That Cllr Diane Andrews be appointed as Deputy Leader of the