Issue - decisions

Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy

08/10/2021 - Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy



That the Project Integra Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (JMWMS) be approved and recommended to Council for adoption.




As set out in the report.




Yes.  Report to Cabinet and Full Council.




Environment and Coastal Services.




As set out in the report.




Cllr E Heron declared, for transparency purposes, that he was a Member of Hampshire County Council, the waste disposal authority in respect of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy.




The Portfolio Holder introduced the report and highlighted the significant work of Council officers and the 14 partner organisations through the Project Integra process.  The key ambition was to reduce waste and increase recycling.


The Leader of the Council emphasised the importance of the strategy for the whole of the New Forest and was pleased to see it come forward ahead of the future consideration of the Council’s own Waste Strategy.  Waste continued to be a significant cost across the nation and Hampshire as a county, and improvements to the disposal process would bring about positive environmental and economic change.


In response to questions relating to the timescales for the Government’s environment bill and the impact on progress with the Council’s Waste Strategy, it was confirmed that further clarity was expected in early 2022 with regard to the timescales for implementing changes and the funding streams likely to be available to Councils.  Although the Council was awaiting this clarity, the JMWMS identified the known direction of travel at a high level.


The Leader of the Council extended his thanks to the Portfolio Holder and officers for bringing this work forward.