Issue - decisions
Financial Monitoring - 2020/21 Provisional Outturn
09/04/2021 - Financial Monitoring - 2020/21 Provisional Outturn
That the latest budget forecasts of the General Fund (section 4), Capital (section 5) and HRA (section 6) of the report, be noted.
As set out in the report.
Finance, Investment and Corporate Services / All
As set out in the report.
The Portfolio Holder introduced the report and highlighted the significant work to produce an Emergency Budget in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The Portfolio Holder placed on record his thanks to all Council officers for helping to deliver against this revised budget. Attention was also drawn to the variations within the Outturn in the report.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing Services reported that the Council had been able to spend £10m on the acquisition of additional Council houses, £1m more than the original expectation. Furthermore, £700k had been spent on disabled facilities adaptations, allowing tenants to stay in their homes longer. The minor differences in revenue spending in comparison to the original budget highlighted how close monitoring enabled the Council to respond to new priorities. The new financial year would see an increased spend on new council properties in pursuit of the target of 600 new properties by 2026. In response to a question regarding the Housing Revenue Account and vacant garages, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the Council did look at garage sites where they could be acquired and developed as an option for more housing.
The Cabinet confirmed that the Barton drainage test within the report was the first test phase, not the full scheme.
Further detailed questions were asked in relation to the Council’s net budget requirements moving forward. It was noted that the presentation given to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel in March 2021, gave a useful broad summary of the Council’s financial position including the business grants administered by the Council.