Issue - decisions

Report of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel

26/03/2021 - Report of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Cllr Rippon-Swaine presented the report of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel dated 14 January 2021, and moved the adoption of the recommendation set out on the Council agenda, to note the Panel’s conclusions in respect of the Call-In request, as outlined in the report.  Cllr Bennison seconded the motion.


In response to a question regarding the process for implementing a decision that had been called in, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure confirmed that as the decision had received a single call-in request, it was implemented in accordance with the Council’s procedures and placed on the agenda for the next ordinary meeting of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panel.  In this case, the relevant Panel was the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel and the report before the Council was to note the outcome of that meeting.




That the conclusions of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel in respect of the Call-In request, as outlined in the report, be noted.