Issue - decisions
Council Tax Discounts and Exemptions, Voluntary Payment and Related Policies
07/11/2018 - Council Tax Discounts and Exemptions, Voluntary Payment and Related Policies
(a) That, insofar as it is entitled to do so by law, the Cabinet approve the discretionary discounts to and premiums on Council tax as set out in options A to E in paragraph 3 of Report Item 7 to the Cabinet;
(b) That the Empty Homes Premium be reviewed by the Council Tax Reduction Task and Finish Group in 2019;
(c) That, insofar as it is entitled to do so by law, the Cabinet approve the recommended changes to the Local Non-Domestic Rate Relief Policy, and the Fair Collection and Debt Recovery Policy, attached as Appendices 1 and 2 to Report Item 7 to the Cabinet.
(d) That the proposal by Cllr D Harrison, in respect of voluntary additional Council Tax payments, as referred to in Section 6 of Report item 7 to the Cabinet, be not supported, for the reasons stated.
(a) That, insofar as it is entitled to do so by law, the Council approve the discretionary discounts to and premiums on council tax as set out in options A to E in paragraph 3 of Report Item 7 to the Cabinet;
(b) That, insofar as it is entitled to do so by law, the Council approve the recommended changes to the Local Non-Domestic Rate Relief Policy, and the Fair Collection and Debt Recovery Policy, attached as Appendices 1 and 2 to Report item 7 to the Cabinet.