Issue - decisions

The Local Plan 2016-36 Part One: Planning Strategy

06/06/2018 - The Local Plan 2016-36 Part One: Planning Strategy



a.           That the Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1: Planning Strategy as set out as Annex 1 to this report, and as amended above, be approved;


b.           That the Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1: Planning Strategy be published for Pre-Submission public consultation for a period of six weeks under Regulations 19 and 20 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012;


c.           That the Service Manager (Policy and Strategy) in consultation with the Planning and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder be authorised to submit the Local Plan 2016-2036 Part 1: Planning Strategy and associated documents, together with the summarised Pre-Submission public consultation responses, to the Secretary of State for independent examination under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012; and


d.           That the Service Manager (Policy and Strategy) in consultation with the Planning and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make minor changes and corrections to the Local Plan prior to public consultation and submission for examination.