Committee details
Place and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Purpose of committee
This Panel is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of the following Council services:
(a) Coastal
(b) Waste and Transport
(c) Environmental Enforcement and Amenities
(d) Grounds and Streetscene
(e) Sustainability and Climate Change
(f) Planning Development Management
(g) Planning Policy and Infrastructure
(h) Economic Development
(i) Building Control
- Cllr Steve Rippon-Swaine (Chairman)
- Cllr Alvin Reid (Vice-Chairman)
- Cllr Peter Armstrong
- Cllr Allan Glass
- Cllr Matthew Hartmann
- Cllr Stephanie Osborne
- Cllr Adam Parker
- Cllr Malcolm Wade
- Conservative Vacancy
Contact information
Support officer: Joe Tyler Tel: 023 8028 5982. Email: