Committee details

Community, Partnerships and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Purpose of committee

Community, Partnerships & Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Panel


This Panel is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of the following Cabinet Portfolio Holders and their areas of responsibility



  1. People and Places (Portfolio Holder – Cllr David Russell)


  1. Town and Parish Council Engagement
  2. Streetscene, Litter Collection
  3. Open Spaces
  4. Grounds Maintenance Services
  5. Cemeteries
  6. Trees
  7. Public Conveniences
  8. Eling Tide Mill
  9. Community Grants and Support
  10. Street Naming and Numbering
  11. Culture and Arts
  12. Flytipping
  13. Abandoned Vehicles



  1. Partnering and Wellbeing (Portfolio Holder – Cllr Geoffrey Blunden)


  1. Health and Leisure Contract Management
  2. Dibden Golf Course
  3. Sport and Community Development
  4. Health and Wellbeing
  5. Environmental Health
  6. Pest Control
  7. Welfare Funerals
  8. Key Stakeholder Engagement (HCC, NFNPA)
  9. CCTV and Careline
  10. Community Safety Partnership (Safer New Forest)
  11. Emergency Planning




Contact information

Support officer: Andy Rogers Tel: 023 8028 5070. Email :