Agenda item

Reports of the Cabinet

To consider the reports of the Cabinet dated:-


·         5 February 2020; and

·         19 February 2020



All Members of the Council had been granted a dispensation to speak and vote on matters concerning the Members’ Allowances Scheme, Budget and Council Tax.


Cllr Thorne had been granted a dispensation to speak and vote on the Housing Revenue Account Budget, on the basis that she is a Council garage tenant.


The Leader of the Council presented the reports of the Cabinet meetings held on 5 and 19 February 2020, and moved the adoption of the recommendations.  Cllr E Heron seconded the motion.


Item 3 (19 February 2020) – Electoral Review of New Forest District Council – Warding Pattern Proposals


Cllr Duke highlighted the impact of the District Council’s proposals on Boldre Parish and welcomed the opportunity to continue to work throughout phase two of the review to explore alternative options.


Cllr Harrison spoke in support of the principles of the Electoral Review and welcomed the opportunity to reduce the number of councillors.  He highlighted the support of officers throughout the process and acknowledged that agreement across the full district area on a set of warding pattern proposals may not be possible.  It was hoped that the Local Government Boundary Commission would carefully consider all representations made by Town and Parish Councils.


Cllr M Wade declared an interest as a Member of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council who would be commenting on the proposals.  He also expressed support for the concept of an Electoral Review and whilst the District Council’s proposals had improved throughout the process to date, Hythe and Dibden Parish Council would be making representations to the Local Government Boundary Commission in favour of alternative options.


Item 1 (19 February 2020) – Medium Term Financial Plan / Annual Budget 2020/21


The Chairman moved that Standing Order 47.6 be suspended to allow the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition to exceed the time limit for making their budget speeches.  The motion was seconded by the Vice-Chairman and carried.


The Leader of the Council made the statement on the budget as proposed in the report of the Cabinet dated 19 February 2020, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group made a statement on the budget, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.  He then moved the following amendment:-


“Using the same figures prepared by officers for the administration, with the following exceptions:-


1.    A recognition that it is permissible to use reserves for the purposes of this Council taking all necessary actions to fight climate change. Allocating £100k from reserves to employ a climate change officer with a budget to implement changes;


2.    Scrapping the privatisation of the management of leisure centres (cost neutral to 2020/21);


3.    Enhanced engagement with other organisations, local MP's, other authorities: £10k;


4.    Brexit preparations funds allocated to local food banks (subject to government permission); and


5.    Young Person's discounted bus travel scheme: £40k.


The revisions as outlined above would result in a revised General Fund Budget of £19,344,110, with the additional £150,000 of identified cost being funded through a lower contribution to Council reserves in 2020/21.


It would of course require offsetting through further cost savings or additional income generation going forward, such as enhanced green practice, for example, reductions in mileage expense claims by members and staff through initiatives such as car sharing, cycling etc.”


Cllr M Wade seconded the amendment.


A copy of the amendment alongside the arising net budget requirements is attached to these minutes.


The Council discussed the Cabinet’s budget proposals together with the Liberal Democrat amendment.


The Liberal Democrat amendment was put to a recorded vote.  The outcome was as follows:-


Voting for:- Cllrs Brand, M Clark, R Clark, J Davies, Delemare, Dowd, Harrison, Kangarani, Osborne, A Wade and M Wade.


Voting against:- Cllrs Alvey, Andrews, Bellows, Bennison, Blunden, Carpenter, Cerasoli, Cleary, Corbridge, Craze, S Davies, Davis, Duke, Dunning, Glass, Gossage, Harris, Hawkins, E Heron, J Heron, Hoare, Holding, Kidd, Lane, Levitt, McEvoy, Murray, O’Sullivan, Penman, Reid, Reilly, Rickman, Ring, Sevier, Steele, Thierry, Thorne, Tipp, Tungate, C Ward and J Ward.


Abstaining:- Cllr England.


The amendment was lost – 11 in favour, 41 against, 1 abstaining.


The substantive motion was put to a recorded vote.  The outcome was as follows:-


Voting for:- Cllrs Alvey, Andrews, Bellows, Bennison, Blunden, Carpenter, Cerasoli, Cleary, Corbridge, Craze, S Davies, Davis, Duke, Dunning, Glass, Gossage, Harris, Hawkins, E Heron, J Heron, Hoare, Holding, Kidd, Lane, Levitt, McEvoy, Murray, O’Sullivan, Penman, Reid, Reilly, Rickman, Ring, Sevier, Steele, Thierry, Thorne, Tipp, Tungate, C Ward and J Ward.


Voting against:- Cllrs Brand, M Clark, R Clark, J Davies, Delemare, Dowd, Harrison, Kangarani, Osborne, A Wade and M Wade.


Abstaining:- Cllr England.


The motion was carried – 41 in favour, 11 against, 1 abstaining.




That the reports of the Cabinet dated 5 and 19 February 2020, be received and the recommendations adopted.




Cllr Duke requested that her dissent from item 3 (19 February 2020) – Electoral Review of New Forest District Council – Warding Pattern Proposals, be recorded. 


Cllr England requested that her abstention from item 3 (19 February 2020) – Electoral Review of New Forest District Council – Warding Pattern Proposals, be recorded.




Supporting documents: