Agenda item

Site of 11 Lime Kiln Lane and Land Rear of 201 to 209 Long Lane, Holbury, Fawley (Application 18/10527)

7 dwellings comprised: 3 terraced houses; 4 detached houses; car ports; parking; landscaping (Amended scheme to outline approval 15/11072 and reserved matters 17/10293)




Chief Planning Officer authorised to grant permission subject to conditions






7 dwellings comprised: 3 terraced houses; 4 detached houses; car ports; parking; landscaping (Amended scheme to outline approval 15/11072 and reserved matters 17/10293)


Public Participants:


Mr Craddock (Applicant)


Additional Representations:


Hampshire County Council Highway Engineer

“Noted reduction in car parking within the site but this is a matter for your Council to consider and determine against its own standards. Having reviewed the amended plans the Highway Authority is satisfied that there is no direct or indirect impact upon the operation or safety of the local highway network and raise no objections (no conditions).”


NFDC Landscape and Design Team

“Latest plans received on 29 April now address my concerns and the only outstanding matter is to request details of boundary walls and fences which can be conditioned.”



Two further letters of objection re-iterating previous concerns and in particular stating that reduction in garden length for units 1-3 coupled with height of units increases overlooking, Loss of boundary planting has led to a reduction in biodiversity. Shorter gardens insufficient for family housing.  Also questions the surface water disposal system and proximity of soakaways to houses.




Cllr Glass disclosed a non pecuniary interest as a member of Fawley Parish Council which had commented on the applications.  He concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and vote.


Cllr Thorne disclosed a non pecuniary interest as a member of Fawley Parish Council which had commented on the applications.  She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and vote.


The Case Officer in his presentation reported the receipt of final amended soft and hard landscape plans which did not alter the layout or position of the dwellings but rather refined the landscaping proposals.


Members considered the interested 3rd party representations made along with those of consultees and were given a detailed presentation of the development including plans and photographs.  Consideration was given in particular to the design and layout of the scheme and its impact on neighbouring properties, as well as other relevant material considerations.




Grant permission


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 3(a)), subject to the following amendments:


Additional clause relating to Habitat Mitigation Payment:



(iv)       That the applicant first enter into an Agreement under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to transfer the earlier Habitat Mitigation payment made under application 15/11072 to this current application.


Amended hard and soft landscaping plans (including site layout) and other planting specification details received 29/04/19.


Amend Conditions as follows:


Condition 2 – add the following to the approved plans list, deleting reference to printed ‘Landscaping and site layout plan’:


ASP.19.015.003 rev C            Hard Landscape Plan (including site layout)

ASP.19.015.002 rev F            Soft Landscape Plan (including site layout)

Plant specification, maintenance report and plant schedule


Additional clarification on the following plans with note added:


RM011A REV G                     Site access for pumping appliances (vehicle tracking only)

RM011B REV G                     Site access for large refuse vehicle (vehicle tracking only)


Condition 10 - Add the following sentence to the start of condition:


Within one month of the date of this permission a detailed plan shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval showing a typical elevation drawing of all new means of enclosure including fencings, walling and wall piers.


Condition 11 – delete condition as no longer required because of new clause (iv) set out above. Re-number condition 12.



Supporting documents: