Agenda item

Public Conveniences

To receive an update from the Public Conveniences Task and Finish Group.




Cllr Beck, Chairman of the Public Conveniences Task and Finish Group, presented the Group’s conclusions following a review of the various council-run public conveniences, particularly to establish priorities for investment over the next 3 years.  The Task and Finish Group had visited the sites where there were identified issues.


Cllr Beck was pleased to report that the refurbishments and replacements carried out recently had been successful and were well received by the local community.  The conveniences at Barton Court Avenue, New Milton and Bath Road, Lymington had both been refurbished and converted to the modular system.  The conveniences at New Milton Recreation Ground had been replaced with an attractive block, using the modular system, and including a new clock tower.  The Task and Finish Group recommended the following priorities for the next 3 years:


1.     Lymington Quay – replacement, on the current site, but to include showers for the use of people whose boats were berthed at the Quay.  The Harbour Master was very keen to see the conveniences renovated and upgraded; and had committed to contribute up to £75,000 towards the cost of the showers.  There was room for this enhancement on site. Although Lymington and Pennington Town Council had suggested that replacement of the conveniences should form part of their larger scheme for the redevelopment of the Quay, which was under consideration, the replacement of the conveniences was urgent and arrangements needed to be finalised by the end of the current financial year.  The Quay was a tourist hub and the image that the conveniences generated was very important.


2.     Sea Road, Milford on Sea – renovate existing building using the modular system.  The building had an increasing number of issues, including poor access arrangements, that would be resolved by the renovation.  The Parish Council had requested that the building should be replaced with a new one associated with their community centre, but the Task and Finish Group did not favour this option.


3.     Barton Beach, Barton on Sea – replace current portacabin style building on a like-for-like basis.  Replacement was necessary every 10 years or so, because of the effects of the climate on the sea front.  The conveniences were well used and appreciated over the summer months.  There were a number of factors that prevented the construction of a permanent building on this site.


4.     Car Park, Bransgore – refurbish existing building into the modular system.  The building had an increasing number of issues, including poor access arrangements, that would be resolved by the renovation.  The Parish Council had expressed concern that provision was being reduced, but it was proposed to re-use and renovate the existing building.


The Task and Finish Group had also considered the future of 2 other blocks of conveniences:


1.     New Street, Lymington, adjacent to the St Barbe’s Museum.  This block of conveniences was subject to disproportionate levels of vandalism, with the associated cost.  The town had 3 other blocks of conveniences, including one on the other side of the High Street, behind M & S.  It was adjacent to the St Barbe’s museum, and many coffee shops and hotels in the area now had conveniences.  The promotion of a community toilet scheme could therefore be considered, allowing the closure of this block.  Some members of the Panel were concerned that the level of usage on Saturdays, market day, would make the closure of this set of conveniences undesirable, particularly in view of the large number of older people who visited the market.


2.     Eling Recreation Ground, Totton – these conveniences served the Recreation Ground which was operated by Totton and Eling Town Council.   There was no logic in this Council continuing to run these conveniences, which were currently in a poor condition.  They were however the subject of a 100 year lease from 1994.  Consideration should therefore be given to surrendering the lease and returning the conveniences to the Town Council who would be able to operate them more effectively as part of the recreation ground.


Having debated the Task and Finish Group’s findings, the Panel




That the Portfolio Holder be advised that:


(i)               The priorities for the replacement and refurbishment of public conveniences in the District over the next 3 years should be:


1.           Replacement of the block on Lymington Quay, in conjunction with the Harbour Master;

2.           Refurbishing the conveniences at Sea Road, Milford on Sea using the modular design;

3.           Replacement of the conveniences at Barton Beach, Barton on Sea on a like for like basis;

4.           Refurbishment of the conveniences in the car park, Bransgore using the modular design.


(ii)              That the possibility of closing the conveniences in New Street, Lymington should be explored; and


(iii)            That the possibility of returning the conveniences at Eling Recreation Ground to Totton and Eling Town Council should be explored.