Agenda item
Land in Whitsbury Road, Fordingbridge (Application 17/10150)
Development of 145 dwellings comprised: 39 detached houses; 31 pairs of semi-detached houses; 1 block of 8 flats; 1 block of 7 flats with terrace of 3 houses; 1 block of 7 flats; 1 terrace of 6 houses; 2 terraces of 5 houses; 1 terrace of 3 houses; garages; parking; SANG; public open space; access onto Whitsbury Road; associated infrastructure; associated development works; landscaping
That the Service Manager Planning and Building Control be authorised to grant permission subject to conditions
Details: |
Development of 145 dwellings comprised; 39 detached houses; 31 pairs of semi-detached houses; 1 block of 8 flats; 1 block of 7 flats with terrace of 3 houses; 1 block of 7 flats; 1 terrace of 6 houses; 2 terraces of 5 houses; 1 terrace of 3 houses; garages; parking; SANG; public open space; access onto Whitsbury Road; associated infrastructure; associated development works |
Public Participants: |
Mr Crickett – Applicant’s Agent Dr Syratt – Objector Mrs Richards – Fordingbridge Town Council |
Additional Representations: |
Two further letters of objection, on the same grounds as set out in the report. The Urban Design and Landscape Officer supported the proposal and asked for amendments to condition 14. The County Council’s Highways Engineer raised no objection subject to the provision of the agreed transport contribution, a travel plan, the vehicular access from Whitsbury Road and the imposition of an additional condition. The Tree officer considered there were no major tree issues, subject to the imposition of suggested condition 25. The Environmental Health Officer requested the imposition of a condition. Details of the additional comments and amended conditions were set out in the update circulated prior to the meeting. |
Comment: |
The officer’s recommendation was amended to include the following prerequisite to the granting of consent, and also the amendments to conditions requested by consultees and set out in the update circulated prior to the meeting:
iii.resolution of the mechanism for securing the agreed transportation contribution and the delivery of the identified highway schemes.
In the ensuing debate members supported suggestions that discussions should continue to ensure that construction traffic was routed away from Fordingbridge Town Centre and was encouraged to avoid school drop off and pick up times; that the design of the SANGS should encourage perceptions of ownership of the space; and that the design took account of the artesian underground water flows that caused flooding in the area. In addition, the high water table could make the recovery of mineral resources impossible without prejudicing the subsequent construction of the dwellings. |
Decision: |
Service Manager Planning and Building Control authorised to grant planning permission. |
Conditions/ Agreements/ Negotiations: |
As per report (Item 3(c)), with the following prerequisite to the granting of planning permission:
iii.resolution of the mechanism for securing the agreed transportation contribution and the delivery of the identified highway schemes.
Condition 14 amended, and the imposition of the additional conditions as set out below:
14. Notwithstanding the details shown on the submitted plans and before the development commences a detailed scheme of landscaping of the site shall be submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall include:
a) the existing trees and shrubs which have been agreed to be retained; b) a specification for new planting (species, size, spacing and location); c) areas for hard surfacing and the materials to be used; d) the treatment of the boundaries of the site and other means of enclosure; e) a detailed specification for all soft and hard landscape works and features to be carried out / provided within the SANGS land; f) a detailed design for the children's play area; g) a method and programme for its implementation and the means to provide for its future maintenance.
No development shall take place unless these details have been approved and then only in accordance with those details.
Reason: To ensure that the development takes place in an appropriate way and to prevent inappropriate car parking to comply with Policy CS2 of the Local Plan for the New Forest District outside the National Park (Core Strategy).
29. Full details of the vehicle cleaning measures proposed to prevent mud and spoil from vehicles leaving the site shall be submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority for written approval prior to the commencement of the development. The approved measures shall be implemented before the development commences. Once the development has been commenced, these measures shall be used by all vehicles leaving the site and maintained in good working order for the duration of the development. No vehicle shall leave the site unless its wheels have been cleaned sufficiently to prevent mud and spoil being carried on to the public highway.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policy CS24 of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park.
30. Prior to works commencing on site a written Dust Management Plan (DMP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved DMP shall consider all aspects of the works being undertaken on site, and include mitigation measures which follow good practice and are site specific. The approved DMP shall be retained and maintained thereafter until the demolition and construction phases have been completed.
Reason: To ensure that the proposed development does not generate levels of dust that would be detrimental to the amenities of the area and to comply with Policy CS2 of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park. |
Supporting documents: