Agenda item

Land at Crow Arch Lane and Crow Lane, Crow, Ringwood (Application 16/11520)

Phase 1: development of 62 dwellings comprised: 15 houses; 9 pairs of semi-detached houses; 3 terrace of 3 houses; 3 terrace of 4 houses; 8 flats; garages; public open space; SANG; ancillary infrastructure; allotment land (Details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale development granted by Outline Permission 13/11450)




Planning consent subject to conditions





Phase 1: development of 62 dwellings comprised: 15 houses; 9 pairs of semi-detached houses; 3 terrace of 3 houses; 3 terrace of 4 houses; 8 flats; garages; public open space; SANG; ancillary infrastructure; allotment land (Details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale development granted by Outline Permission 13/11450)



Public Participants:

Mr Pugsley – Applicant’s Representative

Mr Graham - on Behalf on Better Ringwood

Town Cllr Treleaven – Ringwood Town Council.



Additional Representations:

Hampshire County Council’s Highways Engineer - a footpath could be provided on highway land and this could be progressed further through the existing Section 106 Agreement.

Natural England raised no objection to the proposals.




Cllrs Ford, Rippon-Swaine and Thierry disclosed non-pecuniary interests as members of Ringwood Town Council which had commented on the application. They concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and in the case of Cllrs Rippon-Swaine and Thierry to vote.  Cllr Ford did not have a vote.


The officer’s recommendation was amended as set out in the update circulated prior to the meeting.  It was noted that proposed revised condition 9 had been duplicated, and the duplicate (no 10) should be deleted.




Service Manager Planning and Building Control authorised to grant planning consent subject to the revision of condition no. 1 to ensure that all plans and documents are included and the following conditions:






1.     As amended


2.   Prior to development above slab level on any plot hereby approved, samples or exact details of the facing and roofing materials to be used shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall only be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  To ensure an acceptable appearance of the building in accordance with policy CS2 of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park.


3.   Prior to the occupation of each plot provision for parking for that plot shall have been constructed and made available in accordance with the approved plans and shall be retained thereafter.


Reason: To ensure adequate on-site car parking provision for the approved development in accordance with Policy CS24 (of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park).


4.   Prior to the occupation of each plot provisions for cycle storage shall be provided in accordance with a scheme to have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall thereafter be retained.


Reason: To ensure adequate provision for cycle storage for dwellings within the phase in accordance with Policy CS24 of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park.


5.   Before use of the development is commenced provision for turning to enable vehicles to enter and leave in a forward gear shall have been provided within the site in accordance with the approved plans and shall be retained thereafter in accordance with Policy CS24 (of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park).


Reason: In the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policy CS24 of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park.


6.   Prior to the commencement of development full details of both hard and soft landscape proposals shall have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  These details shall include, as appropriate:


- Proposed finished levels or contours

- Means of enclosure

- Other vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas,

- Hard surfacing materials

- Minor artefacts and structures (e.g. furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs, lighting)

- Proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (e.g. drainage, power, communications cables, pipelines, etc. indicating lines, manholes, supports, etc.), to demonstrate their relationship to new planting and that the services will not encumber the use, by way of physical constraints, wayleaves or easements, and value of public open spaces)

- Retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant.


Soft landscape details shall include

-              Planting plans

-              Written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment)

-              Schedules of plants, noting species, planting sizes and proposed numbers and / or densities

-              Implementation timetables.


Reason: To ensure the achievement and long term retention of an appropriate quality of landscaping, in accordance with Policy CS3 (of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park).


7.  All hard and soft landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and to a reasonable standard in accordance with the relevant recommendations of appropriate British Standards or other recognised Codes of Good Practice. The works shall be carried out prior to the occupation of any part of the development or in accordance with the timetable agreed with the Local Planning Authority. Any trees or plants that, within a period of five years after planting, are removed, die or become, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced as soon as is reasonably practicable with others of species, size and number as originally approved, unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation.


Reason: To ensure the achievement and long term retention of an appropriate quality of landscaping, in accordance with Policy CS3 (of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park).


8.   The trees/hedges on the site which are shown to be retained on the approved plans shall be protected during all site clearance, demolition and building works in accordance with the recommendations as set out in BS5837:2012 and in accordance with an Arboricultural Method Statement for Phase 1, which shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of work on site.  


Reason: To safeguard trees and natural features which are important to the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Policy CS3 of the Core Strategy for the New Forest District outside the National Park.


9.    The slab levels of all dwellings within Phase 1 shall be as set out on the approved drawing “RPS Conceptual Levels and Drainage Strategy SK1 rev B” unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure that the development takes place in an appropriate way in accordance with policy CS2 of the Local Plan for the New Forest District outside the National Park (Core Strategy) and the Ringwood Local Distinctiveness Document.


10. Notwithstanding the submitted plans and landscaping details hereby approved, prior to the construction of any dwelling above slab level, detailed drawings which shall include sections, showing existing and proposed ground levels and contours, to be used in the design of the SANG area shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall thereafter take place in accordance with those details which have been approved.


Reason: To retain control over the finished landscape design of the SANGS in accordance with policy CS2 of the Local Plan for the New Forest District outside the National Park (Core Strategy).





Supporting documents: