Agenda item

Portfolio Holder's Update

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holder’s to provide an update to the Panel on developments within their portfolio.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness expressed thanks to members of the scrutiny panel for considering the reports presented at the meeting.  He also expressed his thanks to the housing department for all the work staff had been doing.  He highlighted that the Corporate Peer Challenge had recognised the housing team for their work.


The Portfolio Holder provided members with an update on the following:


·        Moore Close, New Milton: This was the latest completed housing development, built to the Future Homes Standard plus.

·        Former Advertiser and Times site, New Milton: This would provide 20 plus homes for social rent and temporary accommodation and would be completed later this year.

·        Hythe Hospital development: Last week he had visited the site which would provide 22 homes for social rent.  Construction was expected to be completed in the next year.  He highlighted that he was proud that the District Council had been investing in social housing.


The Chairman reported that he had visited the Moore Close development and had spoken to a tenant who had moved into an adapted flat.  The tenant had advised him that when they had moved in the property it was warm, despite the heating not being on.  The surfaces were also easily adaptable to suit the needs of someone using a wheelchair.  This demonstrated the quality of the homes and their flexibility.


The Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing reiterated his thanks to members and their engagement in the scrutiny process.  He provided an update on the following:


·        Community Grants:  The work carried out by members of the Community Grants Task and Finish Group was recognised and their recommendations had been considered at the meeting.  He welcomed the more streamlined process for applications and their review, recognising that the Town and Parish Councils were no longer able to apply and instead directed to CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) for funding.  The hard work of the officers involved in the community grant process was also recognised;

·        St Georges Hall, Calshot: A launch event for had been held on 29 and 30 October.  Members of the local community had been invited to attend on the second day and had been well attended.  Tribute had been paid to Dora Tarrant, a 1961 evacuee from the Tristan Da Cunha Islands, who made a significant impact in the community.

·        Community Forum event on 4 December: This had focussed on planning for adverse incidents.  He apologised to members of the Panel who had not been invited to event, but would ensure they were invited to the next Community Forum meeting.  The event had been well attended with positive feedback.

·        Totton Police Station had opened on 11 December.  This was another well attended event and he hoped this would be a welcomed facility in the local community.

·        Food Safety Inspections:  High risk food inspections were on target for completion by the end of the financial year.  New food premises inspections were being carried out based on risk.  88 applications had been received in the last three months.

·        Draft Licensing Policy:  This had been considered at the General Purposes and Licensing Committee and it would be recommended for approval at the next Full Council meeting.

·        Arts and Culture: An engagement exercise had been carried out which would be used to inform the Cultural Strategy.  A draft Cultural Strategy would be brought to a future meeting of the Panel for consideration.