Agenda item
Corporate Plan: Key Performance Data for Quarter 1 and 2
To review the key performance data for Quarter 1 and 2 against the Key Performance Indicators and associated targets for the Corporate Plan.
The Panel reviewed key performance data for Quarter 1 and 2 against the Key Performance Indicators and associated targets for the Corporate Plan.
Members were reminded that the Performance Management Framework was agreed by the Cabinet in 2024, and outlined the reporting and accountability commitments. The targets in the Dashboard had been reviewed by EMT in October 2024 and an exercise was undertaken to ensure the targets were appropriate and challenging. 48 KPIs were presented by corporate plan theme and priority. The portfolio holder, Panel and data owner for each KPI was given as well as the desired direction of travel and frequency of reporting.
In Q1, 10 of the KPI’s reported were relevant to this Panel, and 9 in Q2. Summary data was given in the covering report including commentary where there were amber or red status reports, with appropriate mitigations and controls.
Members commented on the frequency of some indicators and asked that they be presented more regularly than every 2 years, for example the resident satisfaction with council services. It was explained that residents surveys were a very significant undertaking, were undertaken well, independently, and proportionately, and doing them more frequently would have a significant cost implication. The current frequency had been decided and was in the budget.
Whilst it was acknowledged that there were slightly fewer KPIS aligned with this Panel, it was pointed out that this Panel already received a number of significant reports on a regular basis, for example on the Freeport, the Transformation Programme, complaints and numerous budget reports, all of which were available to scrutinise as part of the Panel’s overall performance monitoring role.
A member highlighted that the recent peer review had indicated some points for improvement in scrutiny. It was also suggested that the complaints report might somehow be combined with the KPI report to give more regular indications of progress.
It was suggested that the KPIs be colour - coded to show which KPIs were relevant to each Panel and a bigger font be used. Officers would consider these and any other suggestions on the most helpful format.
In response to a question on sickness trends, it was noted that a detailed analysis was regularly submitted to the HR Committee, but there appeared to be an increase in long term sickness, though short-term sickness was stable. It was reported that long term sickness employees were required to produce a doctor’s certificate, and managers were working to support each member of staff affected. Data available since the papers had been published appeared to show a slight decline. The figures did not relate to concerns over LGR as the data had been collected before LGR had been publicised.
On a comment concerning performance regarding the number of vacancies filled first time, it was reported that latest data was showing improvements, but this would become more challenging over time though there may be opportunities emerging with LGR and a broader pool of staff. With the People Strategy and the focus on training and development, the Council was still concentrating on being an attractive employer and engaging with staff during a time of uncertainty.
That the Q1 and Q2 dashboards be noted.
Supporting documents:
Corporate Plan - Key Performance Data Report, item 41.
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Appendix 1 - Q1 and Q2 Corporate Dashboard, item 41.
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