Agenda item
Asset Maintenance and Replacement Programme and General Fund Capital Programme 2025/26
To consider a proposed Asset Maintenance and Replacement Programme and General Fund Capital Programme 2025-26.
The Panel received the Council’s proposed revenue funded Asset Maintenance and Replacement programme (AMR) and General Fund Capital programme for 2025/26 and outline budgets to 2026/27.
The projects in the proposed Asset Maintenance and Replacement Programme for 2025/26 were listed in Appendix 1 and totalled £2.5m.
Appendix 2 to the report identified projects within the General Fund Capital Projects requirements with financing details and totalled £19.411m.
An overview was given of the main projects from the £2.5m programme. It was noted that the level of support for the Council’s health and leisure centres was being maintained with a £750k allocation, as well as an upgrade to the fuel tank at March Lane depot at £130k. A £75k allocation had also been made for improved welfare facilities at various depots sites. £65k had been set aside for repairs to the roof of the CCTV office at Appletree Court. In addition, the programme included the usual cyclical programme of investment in ICT, vehicles, equipment, plant, maintenance and replacements. The programme also included a £30k contingency sum.
Details were also given of discounted schemes which did not go forward this year and these would come forward in future reports.
The second part of the report included the capital programme for 2025/26, totalling £19.4m. Almost £2.4m of this was allocated to vehicle and plant replacement (non Waste related), with £8.3m allocated for the waste strategy, notably vehicles and waste containers.
The Panel also noted the reduction in the refurbishment budget from £1.75m to £200k, in the light of the recent devolution discussions.
Other items were highlighted in conjunction with external funding, for purposes such as disabled facilities, coastal schemes and projects using CIL developer contributions.
Members queried the seemingly modest £30k contingency sum, and it was explained that the projects listed already had some headroom provided, though this was also reflecting overall financial constraints and the likelihood that there would be some variations or emerging needs.
On a query regarding the £260k allocation for Eling Toll bridge and quayside repairs, officers explained that this figure was based on a tender and a third party maintenance plan, details of which could be provided as required.
In respect of a query concerning the possibility of reallocating unused funding following the reduction in the refurbishment budget from £1.75m to £200k, it was explained that the original business case involved borrowing that had been dependent on linked future income streams that would no longer proceed. Whilst the future use of council buildings under the Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) was as yet unknown, there were still some essential works required in the shorter term.
In answer to a member’s query on the current position regarding redundant Council vehicles stored at Lymington Town Hall, officers undertook to raise this with the relevant service and provide an answer to the member in due course.
In response to a query concerning public conveniences renovations, it was confirmed that funds were currently available for ongoing routine repairs and maintenance of these facilities in the shorter term, but in the longer term, future work would depend on the outcome of a wider Asset Management Strategy which would be undertaken over coming months, in the context of the LGR.
1) That it be a recommendation to the Cabinet that the schedule of projects as included in Appendix 1 and 2 be supported.
2) That it be a recommendation to Cabinet that:
a) The schedule of projects, as included in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 be approved within the 2025/26 budget, noting that this commits the Council to expenditure beyond 2025/26 whereby a project commences in 2025/26 and extends into future years.
b) The Vehicle and Plant replacement programme be approved for a 2-year period, covering purchases due in 2025/26 and 2026/27.
c) The Appletree Court scheme previously approved in August 2024 be removed from the Capital Programme, updating the Council’s MTFP accordingly, and that the new £200,000 allocation for a reduced scope of work in the revised Capital Programme as referred to in recommendation 1 above, be approved.
d) The intention to create an Asset Management Strategy be noted.
Supporting documents:
Asset Maintenance & Replacement Programme and General Fund Capital Programme 2025.26 Report, item 38.
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