Agenda item

Quarterly Health and Safety Report

To receive the Quarterly Health and Safety report.


The Committee received the Corporate Health and Safety Report and the significant work undertaken in the last quarter.


Highlights included:


·       A review of the Health and Safety Policy and related actions

·       Health and Safety audits requirements

·       Training requirement for managers

·       Accident and Incident Reporting Policy

·       Incident Report


Notable incidents related to verbal abuse and manual handling incidents, and  Waste and Recycling was the highest reporting team.


It was noted that IT Hubs were being developed at depots to increase learning participation.




(a)        That the following be approved:


(i)      The Draft Corporate Health and Safety Policy.

(ii)     The Draft Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation Policy.

(iii)    The recommendations under Health Surveillance Review.


(b)        That the following be noted:


(i)      The recommendations under Keyhaven Report.

(ii)     The findings of the Depot Inspection & Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service audit.

(iii)    The findings identified from the service safety panels and working groups.

(iv)   The findings identified from the accident/incident report Q2 2024 – 2025.


Supporting documents: