Agenda item

SS13 Land off Moortown Lane, Ringwood (Application 21/11723)

Hybrid planning application comprising a total of 443 dwellings: Outline planning permission (all matters reserved except access) for residential development of up to 293 dwellings, public open space, ANRG, SuDS, Landscaping, other supporting Infrastructure associated with the development; Full permission for 150 dwellings with means of access from Moortown Lane, associated parking, ANRG, open space, landscaping, and SuDS, other supporting Infrastructure associated with the development. This application is subject to an Environmental Assessment and affect Public Rights of Way.




Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager (Development Management) to reconsult Natural England prior to the proposed adoption of the shadow HRA and AA, and to GRANT PERMISSION subject to the prior completion of an agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the matters set out in the report and the imposition of the Conditions, as set out in Appendix 1, and any additional / amended conditions deemed necessary by the Service Manager (Development Management), having regard to the continuing Section 106 discussions to ensure consistency between the two sets of provisions.







Hybrid planning application comprising a total of 443 dwellings: Outline planning permission (all matters reserved except access) for residential development of up to 293 dwellings, public open space, ANRG, SuDS, Landscaping, other supporting Infrastructure associated with the development; Full permission for 150 dwellings with means of access from Moortown Lane, associated parking, ANRG, open space, landscaping, and SuDS, other supporting Infrastructure associated with the development. This application is subject to an Environmental Assessment and affects Public Rights of Way.


Public Participants:


Jim Beavan, Savills (Agent)

Dr Chris Treleaven (Objector)

Cllr Mary Deboos, Ringwood Town Council

Cllr Jeremy Heron, Ringwood South Ward Cllr

Cllr Steve Rippon-Swaine, Ringwood South Ward Cllr


Additional Representations:






The Case Officer provided a number of updates since the report had been published in relation to amended plans from the applicant as well as a further detailed representation from Ringwood Town Council and a member of the public.  The planning considerations arising from this were detailed in the update note circulated prior to the meeting. 


The Case Officer also reported there were three additional conditions in relation to:


·        Zero carbon buildings and energy efficiency

·        the housing mix for Phase 2 (open market housing)

·        the five Parameter plans 


The Case Officer also reported that an email had been received from HCC estates which clarified that the applicant had been engaging with them, as an adjacent landowner throughout the course of the application.  He also reported that some minor amendments had been agreed in relation to the housing mix for open market homes.


Cllr Brand was not present for this item.




Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager (Development Management) to reconsult Natural England prior to the proposed adoption of the shadow HRA and AA, and to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:


i.                 the prior completion of an agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the following:


        Affordable housing provision (133 units);

        Air quality monitoring contribution;

        Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG), Public Open Space (POS) and play spaces including management and maintenance framework (including provision for the scenario whereby management is not undertaken properly or the management company ceases to operate)

        ANRG Phase 1 Phasing Plan;

        Biodiversity Net Gain management and monitoring;

        Community Facility contribution in lieu of community focal point;

        District Council Monitoring charges (recreational habitat mitigation commencement and on-site monitoring and/or inspections, affordable housing monitoring, biodiversity net gain monitoring, public open space);

        Formal public open space (football pitch) contribution;

        Habitat Mitigation;

        Linden Ring 3 footpath improvement contribution;

        Hampshire County Council:-

? Primary Education in Ringwood contribution;

? Countryside Services (Public Rights of Way) contribution;

? Local Highway Authority contribution.


ii.                the imposition of the conditions set out in the report and update note and any additional / amended conditions deemed necessary by the Service Manager (Development Management), having regard to the continuing Section 106 discussions to ensure consistency between the two sets of provisions




As set out in the report (Item 3a) and update note



Supporting documents: