Agenda item

Climate Change and Nature Emergency Annual Update 2023/24

To consider the Climate Change and Nature Emergency Annual Update for 2023/24.




This Panel received an update on progress towards achieving the aims of the Climate Change and Nature Emergency declaration.  Updates within this report were aligned to the four adopted programmes of activity – Carbon Reduction, Climate Adaptation and Nature Recovery and Programme Management and covered activities undertaken between 1 January 2023 and 31 March 2024.


It was noted that the new NFDC Corporate Plan 2024-28 reinforced the Council’s commitment to the issues of climate change and sustainability.  The activities reported contributed towards a number of corporate plan priorities, however the report itself was most closely aligned with Place Priority 2 – Protecting our climate, coast and natural world.  The recommendations supported key principles of the Council’s Future New Forest Transformation Programme and were aligned to the UK Government’s legislative target to achieve net zero CO2e emissions by 2050.


In answer to a question, it was explained that the transport emissions levels quoted included vehicles passing through the District as well as from residents and businesses from within the District.  Vehicle emissions had improved slightly but still remained the largest source of emissions in the District.


It was explained that the report would come back to the Panel on an annual basis, reviewed through the Task and Finish Group using SMART objectives.


In response to a query, it was explained that the timescale for completion of the Strategy was dependent on the project scope.  Officers reported that good progress was being made on the action plan and work would be undertaken with the Task and Finish Group to ensure accountability and transparency.  Actions would be monitored via internal progress reports.  The website content and external reporting would be enhanced.


A member referred to funding availability for certain projects including Invest to Save Projects, and sought examples.  In response it was explained some of these were already underway, for example insulation measures on Council buildings, renewable energy and digital service improvements, which had good payback periods.


It was acknowledged that the Council could work more closely with the NPA and other partners on this project where appropriate.


Officers undertook to report back to a member on replacement of trees at Fawley Fields.




That it be a recommendation to the Cabinet:


(a)    That the activities undertaken and efforts made by NFDC and its partners between 1 January 2023 and 31st March 2024 in response to the declared Climate Change and Nature Emergency, be noted.


(b)    That it be noted that as local leaders of place, NFDC, through its corporate plan, transformation programme and ongoing approaches to service delivery, has made a clear commitment to the climate and nature emergency agenda, recognising UK Government’s legally binding net zero targets.


(c)     That it supports ongoing delivery of the approved Climate Change and Nature Emergency Action Plan (as set out in Appendix 2 to the report), and by continuing to work with partners and the public, the Council would continue to play a key role.


(d)    That the Council continues to support the development of the longer-term Climate Change and Nature Emergency Strategy and Action Plan, supported by the Member Climate Change and Nature Emergency Task and Finish Group.


Supporting documents: