Agenda item

Portfolio Holders' Updates

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holder’s to provide an update to the Panel on developments within their portfolio.


Environment and Sustainability Portfolio


The Panel had received two detailed reports on the Waste Programme Update and the Climate Change & Nature Emergency Annual update the portfolio holder thanked the officers involved for their excellent work in producing these reports.


The next phase of annual maintenance works had commenced at Milford on Sea to improve protection to a 75m section the seawall, with the works expected to be completed by the end of October.  The project included the placing of 1,100 tons of rock to construct a rock revetment, timber groyne repairs and importing of 2,500 tons of shingle to add to the beach.


He also reminded the Panel that Cabinet approved the Christchurch Bay and Harbour Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy last week.  There was also ongoing development of a sister strategy covering the Hurst Spit to Lymington section of our coast, which was entering its next phase of public engagement.


The Panel noted there would also be engagement sessions during November for the public and other stakeholders to find out more, being held in Lymington and Milford-on-Sea.  A drop - in event was being arranged at ATC for members, officers, Town & Parish Councils on 27 November.


Works were ongoing to complete improvements to 4 beach shelters along the coastal frontage in Milford and Barton-on-Sea.  These works had been funded from the UK Prosperity Fund.  Further works were to be carried out on 3 other shelters.  Once complete, these shelters would have had a much-needed facelift and would provide a more pleasant and more accessible facility for visitors to the New Forest coastline.


Economy and Planning Portfolio


It was reported that the Rural Prosperity fund available to local businesses had now all been allocated, enabling a number of good small businesses to have 50% funding for equipment or premises improvements which would ensure they could thrive and take on extra staff.  It was understood there was to be some Communication release about this once the projects were underway.


This year’s Brilliance in Business Awards was underway, with a Launch Event taking place on 29 August at the Balmer Lawn Hotel.  NFDC were sponsoring the Best Micro-Business section again this year.  Any business could put themselves forward or be proposed by someone else.  Members were encouraged to spread the word among the local business community.  The Portfolio holder gave details of the relevant website: New Forest Brilliance in Business Awards 2024 | New Forest Business Partnership (  Entries were due by the end of September.  The organisation did a lot to help local business thanks to its very dedicated chairman, Matthew Lawson.


The NFDC Planning service had received a large number of proposals from the new Government covering a wide range of planning aspects.


The Government consultation on the proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework ends on 24 September and is open to anyone, and members were encouraged to raise awareness and give a personal response if they wished to wish to.  He gave details of the weblink as follows Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system - GOV.UK (


The Council’s own Local Plan preparation was continuing with a call for development sites to go out in the next few weeks.  Meanwhile a number of studies had been commissioned to include requirements for housing, open space, pitches, play facilities, travelling community, etc.  In early Spring of 2025 NFDC would publish a draft Plan for consultation.  When the feedback from this had been examined an updated draft Plan would be published towards the end of 2025 for further consultation.  A Member Working Group had been set up and had its first meeting on Monday 9 September.