Agenda item

Dibden Golf Course Annual Report

To receive an annual report providing an update on the contract with Mytime Active on Dibden Golf Course.




The Contract Relationship officer introduced Adam Freeman, Centre Manager and Chris Deadman, Special Projects from Mytime Active who manage Dibden Golf Course.


A presentation was given to members outlining the annual report for the financial year 2023/24 as follows:


·         Background to Mytime Active: A social enterprise partnership, with an objective to improve physical and mental wellbeing;

·         Three Corporate Priorities; to increase employee engagement, improve the wellbeing of their communities and to deliver a sustainable EBITDA;

·         The performance related income: Membership had increased from the previous financial year.  Income from green fees and societies had decreased.  It was explained that this was due to the increased membership as well as poor weather conditions, with flooding which had decreased the space available on the golf course.  A new membership for 21-30 age group had been introduced, increasing participation levels in this demographic.  Food and beverage income had also risen. It was recognised that the younger demographic typically spent more in this area.  Driving range income had increased and there had been further investment to purchase new balls and mats for the driving range;

·         Expenditure: Staffing costs had risen by nearly £58,000 due to the National Minimum Wage, and the reopening of the pro shop with increased hours of operation required more staff.  Repairs and maintenance costs had risen due to the refurbishment of the pro shop.  Utilities costs had decreased due to the golf course being closed at times due to poor weather;

·         Roundage: A graph of the 9 and 18 hole course usage was shown.  This decreased after August into the autumn and winter months.  Last year the course had been closed for 171 days which was extreme, due to the poor weather conditions.  It was hoped that more could be done to try and extend the season for a longer period of time;

·         Completed works included the pro shop refurbishment and an indoor golf studio which was proving to be popular.  The function room had been redecorated and the windows replaced to encourage more use.  The bunker renovation works would continue.  It was explained that members had been involved in the discussion regarding which bunkers required maintenance work.  An ongoing project is clearing drainage pipes which would help prevent flooding.

·         The future goals were outlined, which included ensuring the golf course was at the heart of the community, and increasing golf memberships and participation in golf.  This would include using social media and other marketing tools to attract new members.


In response to a member question about clubs and competitions at the golf club, it was noted that Bramshott Hill Golf Club operated at Dibden Golf Couse.  This was a separate organisation to MyTime Active.  An aspiration was to become more involved with the Golf Club.  Mytime Active provided regular clubs for children and young adults to get involved in golf, but it was recognised more could be done to promote these within the local community.


A question was asked about the increase in staffing costs noting this seemed high.  It was explained that the national living wage, was the main reason for the increase.  However, uplifts had been also provided to those members of staff in supervisory roles, as the gap between the minimum hourly rate and their hourly rate had become closer.  Overall, there had been an increase in wages for staff members between 4.5-10%, however the structure of staffing had not changed year on year.


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